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My dad walked downstairs as I groan. 'Fuck..Fuck!' Eddie goes to say something as I give him a kiss. 'I'll be right back.' I run downstairs as my dads just sitting there thinking, I say. 'I swear to god it's not what it looked like!' He says. 'It looks like you were just making out with Eddie.' I stammer. 'Dad, I thought...I'm sorry.' He asks. 'Sorry for what?' I answer crying. 'Being gay, I can't control it I'm so sorry.' Surprisingly besides the losers, my parents were my best friends... they were the best and they even accepted and even pushed my weird and "bad" behaviours, I was just having fun like all kids. Even when I was sick my dad would always find a way to make me laugh and smile. I start crying harder and harder, god this isn't fucking normal. I don't cry! I whip my glasses since they fogged up, I felt arms around me as I noticed my dad?

He said. 'Richie, I always thought you were gay.' I say. 'Huh?' He laughs. 'You constantly talk about having sex with Eddie and saying he's cute every chance you get.' I laugh abit as he goes. 'And you're me and your mums special boy, we'll always love you...plus Eddie is probably the best son in law I could want.' I put my arms up screaming. 'Fuck yeah!' He lets go of me. 'Ok, I have to get back to your mum and sister but we'll be back tomorrow.' I nod. 'Ok! Bye!' He leaves as I run upstairs jumping on Eddie, but before that I shut AND locked my door. 'Us, right now. Cuddling, kissing and just! Being gay!' He says confused. 'Isn't your dad mad?' I shake my head. 'Apperantly he always knew I was gay? Hmm maybe talking about fucking your bestfriend isn't a good way to be closted.'

Fuckface ♡ Richie X Eddie ♡Where stories live. Discover now