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Y/N pov

     I assembled the cats into my bathroom. It was to be honest easy. 

     I turned on the water to the tub at a reasonable height for the cats, and I added bubbles with a rubber duck into the water because why not. The cats were very interested in how the water was turned on.

     I take out a few towels to dry off the cats. Then I washed each cat in the tub. It was fun. Plum was on an adventure to save the rubber duck from inside the water. The others were just hanging out and talking in their cat language.

    It was then time to dry off. After the cats were dried up, I started to go and make dinner for all of us. Seafood is the dinner choice. 

You followed the instruction for the dinner choice.


Don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious, we are totally normal vegetables.

The vegetables put some potion in the meal and left when you weren't looking.


When you were done with cooking, you left the plates on the ground for the cats to eat. 

Unnoticeable to you, the cats started to transform into humans. Then I entered the room.

     "WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?" I shouted. There were 9 people in the room. A guy with freckles and a purple hair guy looked like they belong to Arabia, or a similar place. The darker skin looks like he is from Egypt. A guy that reminded  me of Happy looks like a gladiator. A guy with a turban was a knight with a spear. There was an actual dragon in the room, or at least a mutated one. The blue haired man looks like a person of a tribe living in snowy conditions. The white haired man with freckles tried to explain why they were here or something, but the language sounded gibberish to me. I guess the girl with blue hair is a witch. The blonde hair girl might be from a tribe.

     It was good news that they were wearing cloths on because I don't want a group of naked people in my house. Bad news is I don't know what to do. They don't seem to understand my language as do I with their language.

 They don't seem to understand my language as do I with their language

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     I guess this would be a fun adventure. First, do hand gestures. Second, try to find out their spoken language. Third, learn their language as they learn my language. Fourth, if they want to leave, I hope they would be okay and I would be alone with my plant friends. I thought before I gesture all of them to come with me to the main room to sit down. We would try our best to communicate, but they would at least understand some hand gestures.

Magi: Cats were in the BoxWhere stories live. Discover now