Meeting Hooty

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Y/n pov

It was winter break and I have two weeks off from school.

'Who is ready for an adventure in the Boiling Isles?'

'What is the Boiling Isles?' Titus asked.

'The Boiling Isles is a place part of the Demon realm. I would say that Dragul would most definitely fit in and sort of a pass for the people who have magic. Humans who can't do magic are known to be inferior to others.'

'Wait, you could do magic? Why haven't we seen you perform magic before? Are you weak or something?'

Judar was hit by a stick multiple times with a bucket on his head.

'Have you ever been to a magic school before?'

'Yes indeed. I was in potions before being sent to the detention track because I wanted to study healing. Second semester was also a detention track because I was in plants and wanted to do illusions. And then I gave up from learning magic at Hexside because I couldn't study more than the chosen track of your choice. I am hopeful that one day that someone could break the track tradition since the time before the emperor created the witches covens.'

'Wow, that school sounds a little bit of unfair.' Spintus said with Aladdin and Titus agreeing.

'Well rules are rules. I am at least glad I am not 18 yet to choose a coven because if I don't join a coven by then, I would be considered an outlaw with wild magic. My aunt Eda is on the run from the law with a trillion snail reward. Snail is what the currency is called.'

'Okay, take us to this place.' Sinbad said.

'Yay! Let's go to the Owl House!' I said getting the key portal. 


We landed on the outskirts of town in front of my parents' cabin. 

"Blaze! Are you in there?"

A phoenix bird attached to a staff flew towards me.

'Woah. Is that a real phoenix?' Aladdin asked.

'Blaze was my father's palisman. He was made from volcanic rock. So technically no for being a real animal, but he is a great buddy.'

'Okay with the fact that you sleep in a nest and you have birds around your family pictures, does that mean you are part bird? A raven for some blue hag, an owl for another hag, and red birds around your parents. Why do you collect random objects and organize them in your nest?' Judar said.

'Well, my aunt Eda was cursed as a teenager by a mysterious person. She is cursed to be an owl beast. I thought ravens fit my aunt Lilly. My father was interested in birds and had red hair. I just like sleeping in a nest and feel no shame in collecting random objects I find interesting. You can't blame the demon who gave birth to me can you? He was a red bower bird.'

'Wait, he. You have two fathers?' 

'Yeah, I know a girl name Willow who has two fathers as well. I don't see if there are any problems with that.'

"Hoot hoot. Hi you fellows! OW! That hurts. I was just saying a greetings. You don't have to be so mean to me. Hey Y/n! How are you?"

"I am doing great Hooty. How are you, aunt Eda, and King?"

"They are great. Hey, do you want to know every detail about how I have been when you were in the human world?"

"Well if Eda and King are away at the market place, then I guess not. However, why not be play a game as a group?"

"Okay! I pick the little girl!" Hooty said with Marga hanging onto his neck. 

'He he he. This is fun.'

'Be careful Marga.'

"Mm. I know. Tea party! I will get the tea cups and pot." Hooty said zooming straight inside to get the supplies.

'What type of owl is that?'

'Hooty is a house demon. Eda and King have lived inside of him for awhile, but sometimes they can be annoyed by him. I can agree with them in not doing the month Hooty cleaning. So much mud in so many places to clean up.'

"I'm back! Who wants to have some tea? You have mail Y/n!" 

"Thanks Hooty. I will open it up later." 

'Ew, that mail was inside that bird's mouth.'

'At least it wasn't a death hex.'

That made almost everyone worried. 

Everyone enjoyed the tea party.

Some played with Hooty as he moved his neck as a jump rope. 

There was a trampoline because Marge is a little child.

'Ha, ha, ha. This is fun! Are there cats in this world?'

'That would be fun to play with the cats.'

'I believe there are cats, but I don't know where they would be.'

"I love playing with friends!"

'Why is there snake oil?'

'No one wants an unoiled snake?'

'Fair enough I guess.'

'Who are we supposed to visit?'

'My aunt and King. My aunt is has growing in grey hair and King is a demon.'

'Is King big and powerful?'

'No. . . but he does wish that though.'

'The books are alive!'

'Do you expect those books to be standing still all the way?'

'Yeah.' Everyone but Hooty responded. 

Later, almost everyone went inside to not hear Hooty's story from the beginning.

"Bored, bored, bored. Bored, bored, bored. There a hoot, there a hoot. Hoot hoot hoot."

'We have a library if anyone is interested.'

Aladdin, Yamuraiha, Jafar, Kouen, Koumei, and Dragul were interested in the idea.

Marga, Titus, and Hinahoho were in the kid zone.

Masrur was sleeping outside under a tree.

The others were playing Grudgby after Y/n explained the rules. 

Team 1: Sinbad, Sharrkan, Pisti

Team 2: Judar, Hakuryuu, Kouha

Team 3: Morgiana, Pisti, Alibaba

Team 4: Lolo, Mu, Myron

Team 5: Hakuei, Kougyoku, Y/n

"Okay people, we want a clean match. I am also an unbiased participate. Play ball!"

Everyone had fun until it was about dawn.

Now it was the chance to meet my aunt.

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