Y/n Woke Up

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Kouha pov

     Okay, I am so confuse. I am happy that brother -en and brother -mei are here. Also, I am happy to be human again. The lady was nice to let us in, and she was smart to turn us all back to humans. However, I did not like the fanalis that just hit her in the head. I was about to kill him until brother -en had said not to, and that is would cause a war between Kou and Sindria.

     Besides the point, king Sinbad had took the honors in explaining the situation to us. Apparently we are in a different world and time. At first, I thought that was impossible, but after they showed us the house, I and my brothers were convinced that we are in fact in another world.

Hakuryuu pov

     On the tour of the female known as Y/n, I had realized that we had never went into the door in the far corner. Also, there was a watering can nearby Y/n when she was done watering up with water and apologizing to us. I was curious and left the group. When I had entered the room, there were many plants in there.

     "Wow, I already like this girl. She is amazing to these plants and give them a chance to live in a peaceful environment. There are no plants that seemed to be withering or are dead yet. This girl is a smart one with nature. Don't you say for yourself Mr. Crybaby?" said Zagan, laughing at the name he had given to Hakuryuu when they had met at his dungeon. "I guess so, but she is sleeping and could not help these plants today. So, I am going to help her with taking care of these plants for her. It is the least I could do with we all are currently living with her." I said.

     So, I got to work and water the plants that needs water, and feed the plants that eats other organisms. I am kind of lucky to have a djiun who is very fond of nature and would gladly help plants. After I was done, I went into the kitchen to cook some food so Miss. Y/n would have something to eat when she is awake.

Kouen pov

     When I look though this house on the trip, I realized that she is well educated and loves plants. She has lots of pictures and books about plants in her room, she also loves her family with all of her heart. However, with a skull next to her parents. I could only by theory suggest that they are no longer alive. She is an orphan. I wonder who are her friends? How did her parents died? What is she going to do when she wakes up? Wait, the family question could be hold, that could be a sensitive question to ask her about.

     When she wakes up, I would want to ask questions to her. However, I might be kicked out of the house if I ask too much questions. I got to think on what my questions are going to be. Also, where is Hakuryuu? He was just with us, and now he is just gone. Oh well, he would eventually come back from what he is doing.

///Time Skip/// Brought you by the tour of the House and pretty much most of the day.

Author pov

     It was nearing dinner time, and Y/n has not yet wake up from her sleeping state. She was currently dreaming, or remembering, about the times when her parents was still alive. It was fun to be with your kind loving family, but she then realized that she has guests over at her house. It would be rude if you had ignored your guests for too long. So, she tried to wake up, but she could only hear the noises of the outside.

     The other people in the house were either waiting for her to wake up from her sleep Hakuryuu was making dinner for all of them with the help of Spartos. Masrur is feeling even more guilty as it is that she would might never wake up. She might of been in a coma.

     Jafar had then saw a movement coming from Y/n. She was beginning to wake up. He told the others what is happening, and they are happy that she is awake. Even if they do not know her that much, they care that the beautiful h/c, e/c, girl was in good health. 

     Y/n had finally woke up completely. It was overwhelming that the guests just hugged her very quickly after she woke up. Masrur was very sad and had a guilty face on him. He tried to apologize to Y/n, but it was too quick to even understand what he is saying to Y/n.

ماذا؟ هل يمكنك تكرار ذلك ببطء ، من فضلك. ما زلت جديد على لغتك. لذلك ، سوف يستغرق الأمر بعض الوقت لفهم ما تتحدثون عنه جميعًا.
(What? Can you repeat that slowly, please. I am still new to your language. So it would take time to understand what you all are talking about.)

     So, Masrur had repeated slow his apology to Y/n. She had then understand what he was saying before and said that it was alright and an accident. Kouen, Koumei, Kouha, Hakuryuu, Kougyoku, and Hakuei are the new people staying here. They boys were staying in the bonus room upstairs. The girls are sleeping over with Yamuraiha and Pisti.

     Everyone was grateful for the dinner, and they had a wonderful time getting to know each other more. Y/n was grateful for Hakuryuu for watering her plants. It was a nice deed to do for a stranger you have no idea is capable of doing whatever.

     Everyone had then went to sleep in their own rooms of the house. It was a peaceful and happy night.

What will happen next? Y/n had thought about before she went to sleep.

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