Chapter 1

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Virgil's POV

My heart was beating faster than I ever thought possible. It felt like it was about to explode. It may sound cliche, but the thing that brought this all on was what books always describe as every kid's worst nightmare: Being the New Kid.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm glad I moved schools. Maybe the kids at this school won't be as bad, long shot I know. But, anything is better than my previous situation.

I adjust my bangs in the mirror one final time, then head out into what was possibly the weirdest day of my life.


It's pouring outside, my eyeshadow is absolutely ruined. I should've worn the waterproof one, but the color isn't as good. I head to the bathroom, heck I'm already late to class. I open my backpack only to realize that I forgot my makeup bag. Of course.

Much to my distaste, I have to settle for a lighter shade that's been in my backpack for god knows how long. It doesn't quite give me the look I hoped for. But, it's better than nothing.

I sigh, time to go to class I guess. Hopefully they won't be too hard on me for being late, maybe I can just claim I got lost. New kid perks.

I stand outside the door, loud voices come from behind it. I pull my hoodie tighter around me, take a few deep breaths and open the door.

Behind the door there are about twenty kids, all of them turn around to stare at me.

"Hey, look another one!" Someone shouts.

"Wha-" I start, but am immediately cut off, by someone in the back shouting.

"You've got to be kidding me!"

Roman's POV

Just when people are finally starting to remember my name, and recognize my face, another guy who's beauty almost matches my own has to show up and start it all over again.

The new kid is staring directly at me. Understandably so, seeing as I just yelled.

"Woah, did I just step into the 'Twilight Zone'? Because, you look a lot like-" The stranger is interrupted once again by my fellow doppelgängers

"Me." A bored voice drones from the seat in front of me.

"And me!" Comes an excited shout from my side.

"Yes, yes, and we're all so very handsome, now please for the love of god tell us you have an original name. Because,I- and I'm sure I speak for Logan here as well- simply cannot deal with another 'this-one-no-that-one' situation."

"My name is Virgil." The stranger says in a confused voice.

"Virgil what?" I say cautiously.

"Um...Virgil Sanders?"

A sharp intake of breath and Logan whispers, "of course."

"Are you sure?" I try in vain.

"Am I sure of what?"

"That's your last name?"

"Last I checked." There's clear annoyance in his voice.

"Fantastic." I breathe before sitting back down.

Virgil's POV

What's this guy's deal. Asking me if I'm sure of my own name? What's that about? It's weird enough he and what I can only assume are his brothers look just like me.

Finally the teacher speaks, "well, Virgil, the seating chart is in alphabetical order. So, um, you'll have to sit with the other Sanders."

"The other-" oh, it is a rather common name, much more common than faces. If three people in this class can look exactly like me then I suppose some can share my name.

"Where exactly-"

"That would be us!"

I turn to look, the voice comes from one of the copies. He looks almost exactly like me, dressed in a light blue shirt with a cat hoodie tied around his shoulders. His glasses match the ones of the kid diagonal to him. The other Sanders I assume.

"Oh, I, uh, okay." I say in what has to been one of my most eloquent moments.

This is going to be interesting.


Author's Note:

I know this is a short first chapter but I think it turned out okay. This whole thing came from a prompt from tumblr when I find the post again I will give credit!

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