Chapter 33

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     Roman holds my hand into the living room and Patton and Logan move away from the door guiltily.

     " are things?" Patton asks in a failed attempt at being casual.

     Roman holds up our intertwined hands, "Pretty good."

     "Finally," Logan says with a smirk, "Your cluelessness was growing to be unbearable."

     "Uh, excuse me!" Roman cries, "We're unbearable? What about you?"

     "I—Uhm—I think we are done with...this discussion." Logan turns his head away from Patton.

     I laugh, "Be nice, you dork." I punch his arm lightly.

"Hey!" He pushes me away from him, but there's not enough force behind it. Especially since he hasn't let go of my hand. He quickly pulls me back to his side, we're close enough that I can feel the heat from the furnace he calls a body.

"You! Two! Are! So! Cute!" Patton squeals. "I'm so happy for you!!!"

"Thanks, Pat," I laugh.

     "So, my dashing boyfriend," Roman begins as I immediately attempt to hide my face from view. "What would you like to do today?"

I shake my head, "I had a great time yesterday, one of you should pick."

"Hm..." Roman rubs his thumb in a circle on the back of my hand. "Do you guys have any ideas?"

     "We could go to the aquarium?" Logan suggests with a shrug.

     "Oh! That's a great idea, Logie!" Patton beams up at him and I swear I see hearts in his eyes.

     "Sounds fun," Roman says, them he turns to me. "That okay with you?"

     I nod, "I've actually never been."

     Patton gasps again, "What? Never? Oh we have to go! Plus! Logie knows every fish they have so we don't have to pay for a tour!"

Logan's face turns red and I bite back a laugh. They're so in love with each other.

"Alright, lets go!" Roman grabs his keys and we all head to the car.

Roman tries to hold my hand while we drive but I pull away. He gives me a worried look.

"Please, keep both hands on the wheel." I say sheepishly.

He smiles at me and nods. I'm glad he doesn't make fun of me for it. Driving is already kind of scary, no need to make it any worse.

We pull into the aquarium and pay the entrance fee. There's a big lobby that you start off in and a small fish themed restaurant and gift shop on either side of the entrance to the actual aquarium.

As soon as we enter the lobby Roman seizes my hand again. Logan leads us to the first tank. It's small and full of clownfish. Logan starts listing off facts about them.

Patton nods, he's probably the only one of us who's actually listening. Roman and I are talking quietly behind them.

"You are staying until tomorrow, right? I'm gonna drive us to school."

I nod, "I told my mom I'd be back tomorrow evening."

Roman nods and smiles, "Good."

As we go further into the aquarium I notice plaques talking about which fish were here because they were injured.

"Is this a rescue facility?"

Roman nods, "Yeah, they release almost everything here eventually."

I nod, "That's pretty cool."

We go into one of those weird aquarium tunnels and I feel my whole soul tense up, there are so many people in here.

Roman tugs me toward the end of it quickly, "You okay?" He asks, sorry lacing every syllable.

"Yeah," I say breathless. When had my breathing become so labored?

"You didn't like it did you?" He reaches up and puts my hair to the side.

"Sorry," I mumble, "Too closed in."

Roman nods, "It's okay, we can wait for pat and Logan here."

"Thank you," I let him pull me to his side and we lean against a wall. There's a vending machine on the other wall.

"You want something to drink?" He asks softly.

I shake my head, "I'm good."

"You sure?" He puts his arm fully around me.

I nod, "Yeah, I'm good." I find myself leaning into his body. There are too many people here for anyone to notice us anyway.

"Okay." I don't know how but my arms are around his neck and his about my waist. Our lips are less than half an inch apart and I can't tell you who goes in but I know that there's no way even I could convince myself that we didn't both mean it.

     I can't tell how long it's been but when we break apart Logan and Patton are standing beside us.

     Logan is averting his eyes, but Patton is smiling really big.

     "Awww," he says. "That was adorable."

     Logan is not as supportive, "Did you leave us behind merely so you could make-out in public?"

     I snort and Roman chuckles, "Yep." He says, popping the p. He pulls me back in and kisses my cheek.

     Logan rolls his eyes. "Shall we continue?" He gestures forward.

     Roman puts his hand back around my shoulders and gestures back at Logan, "Lead the way."

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