Chapter 25

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I can't breathe, oh geez, I can't breathe. We're all outside my house. They're gonna go in to ask my mom about this weekend. What if she's angry? What if she makes me ask my dad later? By myself?

Oh god, I can't do this.

"Hey, Virge?"

I glance over at Roman in the driver's seat. "Yeah?" My voice comes out shaky and weak.

"Is this too much? We don't have to do this? It's okay." His voice is gentle, too gentle, fuck I'm ruining this.

"No!" I shout, then realizing that's not very convincing I try again, "I mean—I'm fine. Just a little nervous." I give a laugh.

"Hey," Roman offers me his hand, it takes me a moment to register the gesture. I slowly place my hand in his. He encloses his fingers around my hand, "We're right here with you, it's gonna be okay. You're not doing this alone."

"Thanks..." I mumble, staring at our joined hands.

"Yeah, kiddo! We're all here for you!" Patton exclaims from the backseat.

"I concur with Patton, we're here to support you." Logan adds.

"Thanks, guys. I know I make things a little complicated. And it means a lot to me that you still want me around." I put my hand on the door handle. "I guess I'm as ready as I can be." Roman let's go of my hand as we all get out of the car.

We all walk up to my front door. I brace myself for this to be the worst experience of my entire life. Then, I open the door.

My mom is sitting on the couch, watching her soap opera. She looks up when she hears us enter.

"Oh!" She immediately stands up and puts on a fake, too bright smile, "Hello, you must be Virgil's new friends! It's nice to finally meet you." Everyone introduces themselves and she keeps talking. "Are you all triplets?"

Patton's the one to answer, probably because Ro and Logan are fighting back sarcastic responses.

"Nah, we just got lucky enough to all look so nice." He gives a chuckle.

"Oh," Mom does that laugh that implies she doesn't get the joke, "You boys want anything to eat?"

Patton shakes his head,"No thank you, ma'am, we actually have some homework to get done. But, first we had something to ask you." I flinch, here it comes. "Would it be alright if Virgil spent this upcoming weekend with us? We wanted to have a sleepover."

"Oh," she thinks on it, "I suppose that would be alright. As long as you don't plan on getting my boy into any trouble." That fake laugh again.

Wait. She said yes? That's...amazing...oh my god this is gonna be great!

"No ma'am, we will be very responsible. There won't be any cause for concern. I assure you." Logan interjects helpfully.

"Alright," she looks at him strangely, "You have my permission to kidnap my son," god I hate that laugh. "Do you boys wanna stay for dinner?"

"I can't, my father is making meatloaf tonight," Roman explains.

Everyone else offers similar excuses. She sighs but says she understands. We all go up to my room to work on our own respective assignments. I dread seeing them leave me alone with my mom, but it's not like they can stay forever. Gotta face the music eventually.

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