Chapter 2

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Virgil's POV
I stare for what was a little longer than would be considered normal. Under any other circumstances I would be embarrassed about it, but it seems warranted in this situation.
The guy who yelled at me earlier rolls his eyes.
"Well, come on over then."
I decide I might as well let this happen. I sit down behind the over excited copy.
"Hi, Virgil, it's so nice to meet you! I'm Patton!"
God this kid must be hyped up on an almost lethal amount of caffeine. No one should be this enthusiastic.
"Um...hey," I give an awkward little half wave.
"Salutations, Virgil. My name is Logan."
He holds out his hand, I stare at it in confusion for a moment before my brain registers that he wants me to shake it.
"...Nice to meet you...Logan."
The guy who yelled at me speaks up then.
"And I am the fantastic Roman Sanders!!!"
He does a dramatic pose at this. God he's loud.
"Nice to me-"
"Yes, I know. Now, we need to get one thing straight. If you're gonna hang out with us then you're gonna have to learn the rules."
"The...what now?"
"Now, as you've probably guessed by now, I am the handsome one."
I stare at him in utter disbelief for a moment. They literally all look the same, like me.
"Humor him, please." Logan says exasperatedly.
I look back to Roman, "alright..."
"Specs, here," He gestures vaguely at Logan, "Is the nerd."
Logan gives a huff and looks like he's about to object, but Roman has already moved on.
"This little ray of sunshine," he gestures at a giggling Patton, "is your kind hearted Dad friend."
     I smile at Patton, despite the overwhelming enthusiasm he seems like a nice person to befriend.
  "Now," Roman starts deliberately, "you look like a classic sad sack. Not exactly what I would've picked to round out the group, but that's whatever."
     Okay, wow, rude. What makes this guy think he's allowed to profile me? Sad sack, well this sad sack didn't move schools in the middle of his high school career for this kinda crap.
     "Who exactly said I wanted to be a part of your group anyway?"
     Logan sighs, "trust me, it's unavoidable."
    I stare at him for a moment, confused about what exactly he meant by that.
      I shake my head, "no it's not."
     The bell rings and I quickly stand up and leave, none of them say another word.

     Authors note:
I know it took me forever to get this done and I'm sorry, I know it's short, I'll try to update more often. I really appreciate the comments!

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