Authors note!

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Thanks for reading this far and sticking with me through these cringy first chapters! As my bio says I am fairly new to writing so it may be bad at first! If you have any info to help or that you think would make my scenes better, tell me! Im always open to new ideas! If you have a certain way you wanted a scene to go, tell me and I may add a bonus side version of that scene for you! If you have any questions just put them in the comments and if I get enough then I may create an Q and A section! Also, I realize I came close to not meeting my weekly update goal for the last chapter. If I do not make it then I'll do my best to get that update as soon as possible. Keep in mind, I am in school and working, with three siblings, I wont always make my deadlines but I will try my best to!

Stay cool guys, gals and non-binary pals*! See you in the next update!

*I only put this in because its what Thomas says, dont get mad, im not stealing his line, just borrowing it for this ending!!

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