Chapter 8: Center of Attention

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"And now, I have one last important thing to do! Some of you noticed the new kids walking around the halls, but do you really know who they are? Rumors have spread and I want to end them all right here, right now. Please welcome our transfers from the Isle of The Lost!" The spotlights shifted around and found the Isle kids, the unwanted kids.  Everyone stared at them and Patton motioned for them to come on stage with him. Logan sighed and gently tried waking Virgil. When Virgil refused to wake, he sighed and carried him onstage with the other Isle kids and Patton. Logan saw Pattons face soften at the sight of Virgil sleeping and Logan holding him like an infant.  Thomas went beside Logan, putting space between him and Patton. He didnt like being onstage, not unless he wanted to be up there. And he definitely didnt want to be out in the open in front of all of the royal children. 

Janus smiled and waved at the teens around him, he was meant to be the center of attention. A few of the girls waved back, most of the guys just glared. Patton handed him the microphone first. He smiled and gave a small thanks. "Hello Auradon!" Janus was made for the role of entertainer, he loved crowds. "Guess Im first to introduce myself, so, Im Janus  . My father is Jafar, and I hope you wont let that blind you by my amazingly good looks!" He chuckled and few girls agreed, most rolled their eyes. Logan could tell they werent saying very nice things. "Well, enough about me, how about we give the other boys a chance?" He gave Remus the microphone and Virgil started to wake, he hadnt realized they were onstage and he sighed, laying his head on Logans chest.

"Virgil, I dont think you wanna do that." Logan smiled softly and Virgil looked at him. Logan nodded towards the crowd ad Virgil looked out. When he did he nearly fell out of Logans arms and stood. 

"Why didnt you wake me up?" He hissed

"I tried, you refused and the whole school was watching, I had to go with it." Virgil was a little red, whether it was from sleeping or the fact that the school was watching them, neither Virgil or Logan knew.  Remus had finished speaking and gave Thomas the microphone. 

"Im Thomas, my dad is scar, and no, I dont have a brother whom I wish to kill, moving on." He gave Logan the mic and sat down in his spot. Logan shook his head at Thomas and looked at the crowd. 

"My name is Logan and my dad is Dr. Facilier. He sent me here to wreak havoc with the shadows, but I dont care. I just want to learn more about the stars, if you would all give me a chance Im sure we could come to be good acquaintances. Thank you for listening." He nodded and gave a slightly shaking Virgil the mic. His turn, everyone was staring, people were still murmuring about what Logan said. 

"H-Hi.. Im Virgil... My mom is... My mom is Maleficent... and... uh... I hope you could all... just learn to accept us... in your... in your school... Thanks..." Virgil gave the mic to Patton and sighed, he didnt have to talk anymore, he just had to watch. He liked that a lot better. Talking led to arguments which usually ended in someone getting hurt. And that someone was most generally him. Patton talked about how the VKs were going to be in the same dorms, eating the same food, and getting the same treatment as every one of the Royal kids. (I'm gonna start calling them RKs) He asked the RKs to treat the VKs as if they were regular students. Some kid who thought they was funny raised their hand.

"Yes? Name and then question please." Patton smiled.

"Yeah, the names Talyn, how do we know the VKs arent here to, y'know, take over the school?" People around Talyn agreed and started asking the same thing.

"Dont worry, we have gone through every possibility and set up procedures in case something happens. But we trust that they want an honest education and friendship with each of you." More questions arose and Patton hushed them all. "Any further concerns can be brought to me at a later time, I'm sure youd all love to enjoy the rest of the festival. So have some fun and make tonight the best night yet!" Everyone cheered then dispersed.Patton let the VKs off the stage and they went to a spot off to the side, watching the RKs have fun.

"They obviously dont want us here." Thomas crossed his arms, leaning against the wall.

"Well, we wouldnt like it if five random RKs showed up on the Isle. Give them time. Theyll adjust." Janus smiled and waved at one of the girls giggling as they walked by. 

"Whatever, Im going back to my room." Thomas left, Janus sighed.

"Well, lets make the most of tonight, I think I saw some candy on the way out here."

"Lets go!" Remus laughed and ran off with Janus to get candy, leaving Logan and Virgil alone once again.

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