Chapter 11: Time to Tell the Others

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As the two got breakfast and sat down they had found Remy and Patton had decided to join the VKs at their table. "Ooh~ So whats got you two so close now?"

"What ever could you mean Remus? We've always been close." Logan sat beside Virgil, tapping their knees together as a way to keep touching. 

"What he means is that its different for you two to be alone together like that, especially right before a meal." Janus butted in. He was still tired and wasnt big on others love lives, only messing with the hearts of the girls. 

"Well..." Virgil started, he was starting to get anxious. What if they hate us? What if Remy doesnt want to be my roommate anymore? Will Patton stop being nice? He started to get an anxiety attack and was breathing roughly, Logan did his best to calm him. 

"Virgil and I have decided to start dating. We both came to the realization that we have stronger feelings than just friendship for each other and so we hope none of you see us differently because of this." Remus chuckled

"Thats it? Wow, I thought you were gonna say Virgie here killed someone!" Everyone was laughing at the joke, Virgil calmed a bit.

"So you guys dont-"

"Hate you for liking each other? Of course not Virgil! We all knew it was gonna happen at some point actually." Janus smiled as Thomas groaned a bit, giving him $5. 

"You couldnt have waited a week? That was my last fiveeee!" Virgil chuckled. "We made bets, I said youd get together next week, Janus said this week." Janus put the five up as Thomas Groaned more. Logan smiled and kissed Virgils cheek gently. Virgil blushed heavily and hid his face, causing everyone to laugh a bit. 

"Awe! Kiddos you two are adorable together!!" Patton hugged the two, giggling a bit. "Im so proud that you two were brave enough to admit to it!"

"Yeah, yeah Pat..." Virgil was embarrassed and blushing terribly. Logan had a soft pink tint to his cheeks as Patton kept hugging them tightly, soon everyone joined the hug. But even the happiest moments need to end right? Well, maybe we should let them enjoy this moment a bit longer. 

((Should the moment end now or last another short chapter? You guys vote! Ill give it... lets say a week. Put in your vote and see all you in the next chapter! Also, im gonna start tagging people! If you want tagged or a shoutout just comment or DM, im more likely to see it in a comment though!!!!))





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