Chapter 5: Flashback

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This chapter takes place a few days before the transfer, Maleficent is telling Virgil about this transfer. Warning! Abuse, language, and some blood, this isnt a completely necessary chapter so you can skip it if youd prefer that!

"Virgil! Where are you?" Maleficent walked around their house searching for her rogue son. He always seemed to disappear when she wanted to talk to him. "Show yourself right now piece of shit! We need to talk." He appeared from around the corner and came into their living room where she was. "Finally, only took you twenty minutes." He looked down.

"Sorry, I couldnt hear you mother."

"Whatever, in four days two princes will be coming here to pick you and four other teens up from the Isle. I expect you to wreak havoc and make me proud, for once. So to be sure that you'll do as I say, we are going to work on your magic." He flinched as she grabbed his wrist, leading him down to their dungeon to practice. "I simply cannot have you blowing this chance of finally freeing us from this wretched place."

"I cant control it mother. Ive tried, your magic wont do as I say."

"Thats why you are not leaving the dungeon till you have learned. Theres only a few places that magic will work on this Isle, and this is one of those places." Virgil went to say something but she backhanded him, causing him to fall from the shock, his lip started bleeding. "You will not speak unless to cast a spell. Now, get off the ground and practice. Start with simple transformations of others, then yourself." Virgil stood and faced one of the targets, a poor soul whom his mother had dragged down here. He mouthed an apology and attempted to turn the man into a goat. He failed, the mans legs became hairy, but that was all. Virgil braced himself for another blow from his mother. When she didnt hit him he looked at her. She was glaring. "Is that the best you can do?! You can barely even call that a Satyr!"She casted the same spell, turning the man into a billy goat. "If you cant even perform a spell as simple as this then why even live?" She stormed off, leaving Virgil alone again. He fell to his knees and tried to turn the man back to normal. This time he managed to make him a satyr. 

"Damnit... Why cant I get it right?" He tried again, but never managed to do what he wanted. 

"Maybe you dont want to do it?" The man knelt by Virgil. Virgil nodded a little, agreeing with the man without saying it. He remained locked down in the dungeon for three days. Maleficent came down each day to check on Virgil and see if he had managed to get any spell right, he was never able to and each day he would get a punishment. On the third day he was allowed back upstairs. 

"Virgil? What happened to you?" Logan rushed to Virgils side and helped his stand, his hands were cracked and bloody. He coughed up blood into his hand and wiped it on his pants. His body was small and frail from overworking and lack of proper food and water.

"I...Im fine Lo. Just a bit tired." He tried to play it off as nothing, but Logan wouldnt buy it. He glared at Maleficent.

"You did this didnt you? How could you let your own son be reduced to this?!" Logans voice raised and it caused Virgil to flinch. He had never heard Logan yell, it scared him. Logan felt Virgil flinch and calmed down. His yelling did nothing to help. 

"He needs to be stronger to get what he wants in life." Maleficent growled, not liking her power being threatened, especially from the son of a mere vodooman like Dr. Facilier.

"Hes overworked and tired. He needs food and water. You neglected him to get what you wanted! Did you ever wonder if he wanted any of this?"

"Lo...Im fine, really." Virgil tried to stand straight on his own but couldnt, he was too weak.

"Of course he wants it! Power, fame, its all he could need, if he wasnt so fucking weak he would already have removed any threats to his power!" Logan growled and Virgils legs gave out, before he could hit the ground Logan swooped him up in his arms and held him close against his body. 

"We're leaving." He took Virgil and left, Virgil hadnt protested, he laid his head on Logans shoulder and fell asleep as Logan walked to his fathers house. Virgil would need to eat when he woke. He had to be ready to leave tomorrow, it took some convincing, but Logan finally got him to eat and go to Auradon. Virgil never said bye to his mother, he didnt want to.

Sorry! I know this chapter is shorter than the others! I just really wanted to put some kind of background in for the characters! The next chapter will return as normal! Ill put everyones backgrounds in here throughout the story when it feels like a good part to place it!

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