Part 2 - Gossip

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Blossom's p.o.v.

I had just arrived at school. I don't live far away so I simply walk. Our school is a school for any super natrual creature.

Most schools just take one persific being but not ours, we take all. We take wolves ,witches ,healers ,etc.

Being on that topic though others think I'm a wolf ,just like my parents. They couldn't be more wrong!

"Hey dude!" My best friend Justin shouted at me from behind. I could tell he was a distance away but as soon as I turned around he was in front of me. He is a little taller than me so I gotta look up to see him.

"Hey!" I literally squealed and hugged him. Of course i start using my girl voice out in public. Now don't get the wrong idea Justin knows everything.

He knows what I am ,he knows about my act and he pretends to be with me so others won't try to get to close to me. I mean could you imagine if people found out about me.

Justin has light black hair with greenish-blue eyes. He is also a little broad and he has amazing muscles. Well he is a wolf after all.

This is Justin.

He always has his wolf ears out

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He always has his wolf ears out. He even pierced it and I gotta admit it suits him along with his bad boy look. "Yum".

Now let me tell you I don't like him like that. He's literally my best friend. It's not my fault that he's hot.

"Woh there! Why are you all happy?" Justin asked me with a chuckle. I took him by his hand and took him to some where private. When we were finally alone I told him how Bloom took over and watched FT (Fairy Tail).

"Haha. Sounds like her. I'm guessing she is sleeping?"
"You guessed it!"
"Well on another note ,your finding your mate tomorrow." Justin stated with a grin making me groan.
"I know. Don't remind me."
"Aren't you happy?"
"Well next thing they don't understand my situation."

Justin sighed at my words and said "Look I told you Blossom they will love you."

I sighed at his words and just leaned in and hugged him. Bell rang soon after and we left for first period.

Justin had Physical Education and I had Art. Well at least I didn't have it alone. As soon as I entered I was greated by Sophie. "Hello Blossom." She simply stated.

Sophie isn't the normal teenage girl. She is a proper young lady. Her parents are the Alphas of a big pack meaning her mate will be Alpha. She was brought up to be polite and nimble.

"Hi Sophie." I told her as I took my seat next to her. Sophie doesn't know my secret ,she is very perceptive so I have to be very careful around her.

As i glanced at what she was drawing she was doing a self portrait. I was admiring how amazing she was in Art. She could do anything in Art you name it ,be it paint ,draw ,sculpture. And she did it with hard work and dedication.

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