the little panda part 2

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Callum's POV

It has been about nine months since Oli got pregnant and some things have happened. First of all I am now Oli's boyfriend and I have moved in with him... Best Idea ever!! One day me and Oli are sitting on the couch playing Minecraft when Oli drops the controller and I feel the couch get very wet.. Oli looks at me "O-Oli? did your water break?" he looked at me scared "I I think so...." I then picked him up and took him back to the hospital he was blushing the whole way. When we got there some doctors took Oli away.... I've never been this worried in my life... I don's know what to do....

time skip...

Callum's POV

The doctors came to me and said "mr Knight Oli gave birth to a little girl!" with that I ran down the hall and into Oli's hospital room... and there he was holding a little girl....She was perfect she had my blond hair and Oli's eyes I walked up to Oli and hugged him tight "I g guess we will have to have a Seapeesound wedding after all..." then he kissed me and It was wonderful.. we were now the perfect family!

A/N: hey guys sorry for not updating for a long time but we are back on track!

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