My soulmate.

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Callum's POV

Hi my name is Callum Knight and I have the worst life ever. A few weeks ago I got some red marks on my cheek... that means I found my soulmate. sounds great right? Wrong my soulmate is my bully Jess... Now I have to be with her FOREVER!! The worst part about that is I'm gay! I walk up to my locker and Jess comes up to me "you know what time it is foxy?" "Ugh Jess..." I take out my phone "It's-" before I could say anything she put a blindfold on me and pushed me into the locker "NO NO LET ME OUT!!!" I scream as she undresses me and ties my hands behind my back... why? why does she have to hurt me like this?? 

Oli's POV

I was walking down the hallway when I saw Jess push someone in a locker. Oh my god that boy is soo cute! he needs help! maybe he's my soulmate? I ran up to the locker and try to open it "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HE IS MINE!!!" Jess screams and slaps me.. Ok that's it!! I punch her in the chest and push her away she punches me and my ribs crack "OW!!" I scream in pain suddenly the boy grabs me and pulls me away "Callum!! get back here!!" he ignores her and ran into a broom closet he locked the door behind us.. "Oh my god are you ok??" he said putting his hand on my shoulder "N-No I think my ribs cracked.." I said as I looked down at my chest "OMG I'm so sorry maybe if I had not trusted her you wouldn't have got hurt..." he said as he started to cry.... "Oh Callum please don't cry" I said as I placed my hand on his cheek, Then something happened I felt a really good feeling go though my whole body I think Callum felt it too.. Oh my god is he the one?? I take my hand off and there it was his mark had gone from red to purple I look down at my shoulder and my mark had changed too! "Oh my god!! What's your name?" "I-I'm Oli." I say looking into his amazing blue eyes... "I have a feeling we are going to be great friends Oli.. come on! Let's go see if we can fix your ribs.." He said taking my arm and helping me walk. I really do think we will be great friends or maybe even more...

Me: Thanks to @MayMingMay for giving me ideas! your the best!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2019 ⏰

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