A yandere youtuber

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Oli's POV

Hi my name is Oliver but most people call me Oli so I guess you can call me that.. I have one more nickname Yandere chan. Ever since is was little I have been broken.... I see other people feel happy, sad, angry, but I don't feel anything I only feel broken, hallow, like I'm missing something... that all changed when I met him my senpai.. Callum... when I'm around him I can feel everything that I've been missing! I now know what is means to live! Imagen if you were blind, deaf, and numb. and then one day you could see all the amazing things the world has to offer you could hear all the wonderful music and you could feel warmth. that's what it feels like when I'm around him... I want him to be with me forever... but, now someone is trying to take him from me... his name is Jack.. He wants him but I need  him he has given me a new feeling rage!! I want to stop him... I want to kill him!!! and to day is the day that I will get rid of jack and make Callum mine forever! I write I note in Jacks locker telling him that I want to meet him on the roof to talk about love I then spy on Jack and watch him read the letter "hmm ok I guess I'll meet him" Yes perfect now all I have to do is wait for lunchtime for him to go to the roof and when he's there I'll push him off and make it look like he gave up on life! alright lets do this!

Time skip

It's 12:00 and I'm waiting on the roof for Jack... Oh here he comes I see him go up to the railing and it's go time! "where the heck is that boy he should be here by NOW!!!" Jack screams as he falls I then put a note at his shoes and run to the teachers office "Someone help!!!" I say pretending to be scared "calm down Oli what happened??" "I-I think Jack ended his life!" "oh my god!" the teacher runs up to the roof with me "oh no it's true!" I will tell everyone and we will have a party for him in a few days" "ok thank you miss.." I say and run back down the stairs to the first floor where Callum's classroom is I put flowers and candy on his desk and I also put a little note that says "Hi I know It's hard to see your friend end their life like that. here are some flowers and sweets to help you! If you are feeling like it could you please meet me at the charry tree behind the school at 6? there is something I need to tell you! -Oli" I hope he comes...

Callum's POV 

I just got the news and I don't know what to think... why would he do that? I walk into my classroom and I see a bunch of flowers and candy "W-Who left these?" Oh there's a note I read it "Oli?" I knew him he was a cute boy who always wore this cute panda hat.. he wants to talk to me? I mean it would be rude not to go...

Time skip and Oli's POV

It's 6:00 and I'm waiting at the tree ready "Hey Oli sorry if I'm late!!" I see Callum running up to me "U-Umm n-no your not late at all!" I say trying hard not to blush "soo what did you want to talk about?" he says then he sees my eyes and looks right into them I take a deep breath "Callum... for a long time now I have not been able to feel anything... but when I met you I could feel everything I feel happy I feel warm Callum.. I-I love you! you are the light in my world! will you go out with me?" "Oli... I-I love you too... I will be your boyfriend!!" he says and jumps up to hug me I have never felt this happy in my life!! I have my senpai and now I never want to let go I give him a small peck on the neck and he gives me kisses all the way down my neck He's mine now and no one can take him from me....

Me: ok so my family is here for thanksgiving so I have to go bye!!

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