Trapped in Minecraft

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quick note: this was inspired by a song by Tryhardninja called trapped in Minecraft please check it out! anyway on with the story!

Oli's POV

My eyes slowly open "agh... everything hurts." I suddenly realize I'm not in my bedroom or even my house I was in..... No way I was in my panda house from crazycraft how the heck did I get here?!?! everything felt so real but I was in a video game! I suddenly hear someone calling for help.. I realize who it is and quickly jump out of bed "Callum? "Where are you ?" "O-Oli?" P-Please help me!" I run outside to see Callum on the ground scared to death "Callum it's ok you're ok..." I drag him into my house, well my minecraft house at least. "Oli? How are you here? How am I here?? HOW DID ANY OF THIS HAPPEN??" " jeez Callum relax I don't know how this happened but we are somehow in crazycraft and I don't know if anyone else is here!" I take a deep breath and so does Callum "wanna go explore?" I ask "NO! there are mobs out there that will kill us!" I smile "well then I guess we will have a little sleepover!" his eyes widen "oh no..." I start to tickle him without mercy "A-AHH OLI STOP!!" "nope!" I said with a evil grin "P-PLEASE SOMEONE H-HELP ME!!" "no ones here Callum it's just us two.." warning: there will be some smut. I suddenly got very hungry but not for food for...something else... my face went pale and I quickly got off of Callum and backed up and hit my head on the wall "Owww...." 

Callum's POV

Oli got off and hit his head on the wall "OMG Oli are you ok??" then I saw it.. the lust in his eyes there was so much of it... I looked at him my eyes no doubt full of lust as well I ran up and kissed him on the lips... it was amazing... I Picked Oli up and brought him upstairs to his bedroom Oli looks nervus "don't worry my little Oli this will be fun!" I say as lay him down on the bed I then start stripping myself Oli does the same. I lay down on top of oli and kiss him agian I position my shaft at his opening and slowly move inside Oli's face is bright red and I'm pretty sure mine is too! I push in a little more and find Oli's sweet spot "Yes! Callum! right there!" Oli shouts I bat at that spot "callummmm....." Oli moans "Oli g-getting closer...." I can feel my climax getting near! I grab Oli's hips and push in as deep as I can "CALLUM!!!" "OLI!" we both shout as we both come and seed shoots everywhere "I-I love you C-allum "I love y-you too!" "Callum, I promise we will get out of here... I don't know how but we will!" I feel safe with Oli I fall onto the bed and let sleep overtake me.

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