Part 8- Fight

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Cole's pov:

That morning I woke up really early so I decided to just get up. I got into some gym clothes and then walked out to the mini outdoor gym. "Morning, Cole" Hero says as he lifts weights. "Your up early" I say as I pick up the small hand weights. "Yeah, Couldn't really sleep" He says. We both lift weights together while we talk about our families and stuff. After a while Jo and Lili run over to us which makes us both drop our weights. "The bed got cold" Lili giggles as she jumps into my arms. "I'm sorry" I chuckle. "I missed you" She whispers. I kiss the side of her head and breath in her scent. "I missed you too, Bub" I whisper to her. The stupid cameras were in out faces which just made me feel so uncomfortable. "Charles is making breakfast" Jo says. Lili lets go of me and smiles. "I'm going to go shower" Hero says. "Yeah, I'll do the same" I say. "Jo and I will be out here" Lili giggles as she pulls Jo along. As I go to walk past Cami and Mads they pull me to the side. "Why is Lili always with Jo?" Cami asks with folded arms. "Because they are friends" I say. "What about us?" Mads asks. "I don't know, Talk to Lili" I shrug and then continue walking. 'Well that was fucking weird'

As Hero and I walk out of the bedroom we all see them sitting on the large outdoor couch with Arielle standing there. "Oh fuck" Hero murmurs to me. We go over and sit next to Lili and Jo. "Okay, Today one couple will be leaving the island, America has voted on their favourite couples, We have the top three here and the with the other two couples one person from each couple will be leaving.... And you will be picking those two people" She says. Lili grabs my hand tightly. "So the top couple that has the most votes is... Lili and Cole" She says. Lili wraps her arms around my neck as I hug her from around her waist. I pull her into my lap. "The top second couple is... Camila and Charles" She says. Charles and Camila kiss and hug while the others were still freaking out. "The top third couple is... Hero and Josephine". "Thank god" Jo breathes out as she hugs Hero. "And the forth couple is... Madelaine and Travis". "That means you can either vote for Hart or Ashleigh to leave and Vanessa or Casey" She says. "I want Hart to stay but that means we have to pick Casey and I love him" Lili sighs. "We can't keep Ashleigh, Lil" I murmur. "I know" She simply replies. "Okay... Please vote" She says. Hart, Ashleigh, Vanessa and Casey were up at the front. "We vote for Ashleigh and Casey to leave" Hero sighs. "We vote for Ashleigh and Casey to leave" Cami says. "We also vote for them to leave" Mads says as she looks down. "Us too" I mumble. "I'm sorry Ashleigh and Casey but you have been voted to leave... You have 30 minuets to pack your things and say your goodbyes.. Islanders, I will see you soon" Arielle says and then leaves. Lili gets up and hugs Casey. Ashleigh huffs and stomps away. We all felt so horrible when Casey left the villa but we had to get rid of Ashleigh.

Lili's pov:

Cole and I were both cuddling on a sun chair when Cami comes over. "Can we talk?" She asks me. "Uh, Yeah, sure" I say as I sit up. Cami and I walk over to the couch and sit down. "Is everything okay?" I ask her. "Have I done something?" She asks. "Huh?" I ask. "You don't even talk to me anymore, You are always with Jo or Cole" She says. "Its just Jo is new and we are friends, Whats wrong with that?" I reply. "We were meant to be best friends but then she came and ruined it!" She raises her voice. "Cami, Calm down" I say. "I get that you don't like me but you could at least me nice" She snaps. "Cami, I do like you, We are friends, and I'm sorry if it seemed like I brushed you off that wasn't my intentions at all" I say. "Yeah, Sure" She mutters. "Is everything alright?" Jo asks as she comes over. "Aw, Look, You're bestie came to save you" Cami snaps. "Cami, You need to stop this!" I shout. "Whatever, Lili, You're just an ugly bitch!" Cami yells and then stomps off. "What the fuck did you just say to her!" A voice booms. "Cole, Stop, It's fine!" I shout at him. "It's not, Lili, She just called you an ugly bitch!" He growls. "Oh look your boyfriend and bestie are both here, Lili!" She shouts. I grab Cole and Jo and drag them over to Hero. "Don't say a thing about this, Just let her cool off" I demand. They both nod and sigh. "God, If Camila ever talks like that to you then you need to tell me" Hero says to Jo. "I will" Jo promises. "Cole, Can we talk?" Hero asks. "Be right back" Cole says as he kisses my head and follows Hero. "Are you alright?" Jo asks as she hugs me. "Um, Yeah, Just feel a bit down after what can said" I say as tears well up in my eyes. "Cole, Come here!" Jo shouts. Tear flow down my face as Cole quickly grabs me and pulls me into his chest. "I-i'm s-sorry" I sob. "Hey, Baby, Don't be" He murmurs. "She just upset me" I cry. He sits down and pulls me into is lap. "Don't listen too Camila, She is the one who is an ugly bitch, okay" He says. "I know, But it still hurts" I sniffle. "I know it does, I know it does" He says as he rocks me slightly. I grab his hand and squeeze it three times. "Thank you" I whisper. He kisses my head with a small smile. 'I've completely fallen for Cole, Holy shit ..."

Word count: 1041

Sorry it's short. 

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