Part 13- Protective

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Cole's pov:

I barley slept that night because I was so worried about Lili. She moves round a little and then faces me. "Morning" She murmurs as she pecks my lips. "Morning" I smile. "Is he there?" She whispers. I nod which just makes her cling onto me more. "I need to go to the bathroom" She murmurs. I slowly release my arms from around her but she quickly intwines our legs. "Can you come, I'm scared" She whispers as she looks at me. "Of course, Baby" I say as I rub her leg softly. I climb out of bed and stand to the side so Lili can get out. I place my hands on her shoulders from behind and gently guide her into the bathroom. "I'll wait outside" I murmur to her as she closes the door. "Cole, I need, you, Lili and Charles, outside, right now" A producer says as he comes in. "You can get Charles" I snap. Lili comes out and looks at with a worried expression. "Are you going to be kicked off?" She asks as she hugs me. "Hey, No, It's going to be okay" I reassure her. "We just need to go outside for a second" I add as I grab her waist tightly. We go outside to see Charles and a few members of the crew outside. "Come sit down" One says. "I don't want to be near him" Lili murmurs as she clings to my shirt. "We can sit on the other side and you can sit in my lap, Okay" I say. She nods and follows me over. I sit down and pull her into my lap as I tightly wrap my arms around her waist. "We've seen the footage" Roger starts (A producer). "Lili, Can you tell us what happened" He adds. "Um-" Lili starts. "If you're not up to it, Lil" I murmur. She shakes her head and continues. "Cole went to the bathroom... Charles told us the dare, He forced himself on me after I said no and then Cole defended me, Thats it" Lili says. "Lili, Detail" Roger sighs. Lili turns to me and grabs my hands that were around her waist. "Roger, Please don't" I say quietly. "Cole, Why don't you go into the room for a second" He says. "Hell no" I shout. "It might be easier for Lili" He says. "Please don't go" Lili trembles. I give Roger the death stare and he nods with a sigh. "He put his hand under my shirt and just before he put them into my pants Cole pulled him off me" Lili says quickly. "Okay" He nods. "Is Cole leaving the island?" Lili asks with a shaky breath. "No, But Charles you need to leave" He says as he turns to Charles. "Your kidding!" He yells. Lili turns around and hugs me by my neck. "Charles, Pack your things and leave or we will get security" Roger says. "What about Cami!" He yells. "She is staying" He says. "Fuck this show!" Charles yells as he runs into the bedroom. "None of the fight or any of it will be aired" Roger says. Lili breathes out and stands up. "Can we get ready?" She asks. I turn to Roger and he nods. "Thanks guys" He says as we walk away. "You two are assholes!" Camila yells as we go into the bedroom. "Your guy tried to rape Lili!" I yell at her. "Fuck off" She sneers as she stomps upstairs. I go to walk to Hero but Lili pulls me back. "Stay with me" She murmurs. "Aw, Baby" I sigh as I pull her into my chest. "Can you come with me" She murmurs. I kiss the top of her head and nod. She tightly grabs my hand and we both go upstairs. "What are you gonna wear" I grin. She grabs a shirt and some leggings out. "Just this" She shrugs. "I'll wait outside" I say as I turn to the door. "Its fine" She says as she slips my shirt over her head and replaces it with her white shirt. She slips on her leggings and grabs my arm. We walk out and bump into Hero and Jo. "Baby, I need to get dressed so why don't you go with Jo for a few minuets" I suggest. She shakes her head and tightens her grip around me. "Can you grab me a shirt and my black jeans from my bag please" I ask Hero. "Yeah, Of course" He says and heads into the boys dressing room. He comes out with my clothes and passes them to me. I pull Lili into the bathroom and get changed. "Where do you want to go, Bub?" I ask her. "Outside... um by the pool" She says. I smile and intwine my hand with hers. We walk downstairs to see Charles stuffing his clothes into a suitcase while Camila was crying. "Cole" Lili murmurs. I slightly pull her behind me as we walk past them. "Are the cameras going?" Lili asks as we reach outside. "Yeah" I murmur as we reach the pool seats. I sit down on one, opening my arms for Lili. She climbs into my lap so I am cradling her. "Hey" We hear a quiet voice say as they come closer. I look up and see Mads and Vanessa. "We're really sorry, Lili" Vanessa says. "For what?" Lili asks as she sits up straight. "About being bitchy, About what happened with Charles... Everything" Mads answers. "It's okay" Lili smiles. "We don't like how Cami treated you and Jo, So if its fine with you... Can we be friends again?" Vanessa asks. "Yeah, Sure" Lili nods. "We are just going to go and apologise to Jo" Mads says. Lili nods and cuddles into me again. "Can I stay with you still?" Lili whispers. I kiss her head and answer... "Of course, Bub".

(12:03 pm)

Lili's pov:

Charles has left now... Thank god. "Want to go get lunch?" Cole asks quietly. I nod and stand up off his lap. We walk over to the outdoor kitchen but before we can get any food we hear a 'ping'. "I got a text!" Hart yells. Cole and I walk over to him. "After the drama that went down with Charles we are adding a new islander in... Please welcome Drew Ray Tanner!" He reads. A guy comes in with a huge smile. He was around Cole's height and had brown hair. "Hey, Guys" He says as he approaches us. "Your his replacement!" Camila yells. "Cami, Calm down" Mads says as she turns to her. "They couldn't have done worse!" She yells as she stomps off leaving the poor guy miserable. "I'm sorry" He murmurs. "It's not your fault" Cole says. I go to hug him but Cole fully pulls me backwards. "Cole, What the hell!" I whisper shout. "You don't know this guy" He says quietly. "Cami just insulted him, What's so bad about a hug?". "Were going over here" He says as he pulls me to the day bed. He lies down, pulling me with him. "Let me go" I squirm as he hold me in place, with his arms around my waist. "My baby" He murmurs with a smirk. "Shut up" I giggle. "Hey, Guys" Hero says as Jo and him approach us. "Hi" Cole chuckles. "We were thinking maybe a swim, Want to come?" Jo asks. "Yep" I answer for us. Cole let's go of me and gets up. We all take off our clothes and being the hypo people that Jo, Hero and Cole are they all jump into the pool leaving me standing there. "Come in" Cole smirks as he swims to the edge. "Is it cold?". "No" He chuckles. I cross my arms as I move a little closer. "Go around to the steps" He smirks and then swims over to them. I make my way around still not 100% satisfied with the idea of swimming now. "Do you want me to carry you in?" He asks with a small smile. I nod with a small smile while her just smirks at me. He gets out of the pool and picks me up so my legs were around his torso. "You are too adorable" He grins as he steps into the pool. I giggle and rest my head on his shoulder. He goes into the water fully, Me still clinging to him. "You can let go now, Princess" He chuckles. "No" I pout as I take my head off his shoulder. "You guys are seriously the cutest couple" Jo awes. Cole and I glance at each other with huge grins before turning to Jo, both of us saying... "We know".

Word count: 1461

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