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Jake was chilling on the couch, bored. He wanted to have a party. Jake got off the couch, and walked over to Colby.
"Hey Colby, wanna have a party here tonight?"

Colby shrugged as he said "yeah, sure." Jake nods and asks everyone else, everyone saying it was okay.

Jake smirks childishly as he watched Sam and Colby calling and/or texting other YouTubers about the party.

All of a sudden, Jake goes wide eyed, and looked at Corey. "BRUVA WE FORGOT LE SHIT-" Corey gasps dramatically and grabs Jake's hand, running with him out of the traphouse.

Corey and Jake both got into Jake's car, as Jake speeds out of the driveway towards Target.

Once they reached target, Jake parks the car and Corey unbuckled his seatbelt. "You didn't wear one?" Corey asks looking at Jake.

"Nu" says Jake, as he opens his car door, Corey copying the same motion.

Jake "Naruto runs" to the doors of Target and stops, and waits for Corey.

Corey walks over, shaking his head and chuckling.

"WOAH BRUVA ISH A BALL!" Jake screams as he points to the red sphere object that target always has. "Want meh to kick it?!" Jake asks, ready to kick it. Corey laughs as he shakes his head.

Jake pouts, and does a baby kick. "OW WTF-" Jake yelps.
Corey laughed with him as they both went into target.

Jake walks over to wear the carts are, and grabbed one. "Corey you push dis, imma get the crap-" Jake says as he pushes the cart to Corey.

Corey and Jake walk around the store. Corey pushing the cart.

"WOOOO-" Jake says as he grabs balloons. "These are fuckin perrrrrrrrrfeeecctt~". He yeets the small bag of balloons in the cart. Then all of a sudden Jake grabbed as many balloon bags as he could, the cart already halfway full.
"Jeez!" Corey says laughing as he watched Jake put the last balloon bag in the cart.
"What? Ish a partey, we gotta have balloons, duhh." Corey nods in agreement. "True brother."

Jake then "Naruto runs" to wear the alcohol was. Jake looks at Corey and smirks, grabbing two cases of alcohol, then another two cases after. "Yeeeeesssss" Jake says as he runs around the store. He all of a sudden stops, at the toy section.
"Okay, why are we here?" Corey asks Jake. Jake gives Corey the death stare. "Cuz Shrek and Lionel need a best friend" Corey blinks. "Aight-"

Jake skims the isle, then all of a sudden he  sees a wooden duck. Jake gasps and grabs it. "idk how I feel about him, but I like him."
He yeets the wooden duck in the cart as he runs to the check out, Corey laughing and following him after.

Once everything got paid for, Jake put all the stuff in his trunk, and drove home.

Party Dorks: Jara FanficWhere stories live. Discover now