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Jake and Tara talked for awhile on FaceTime and then Jake said bye to her.

He texted her his address to Tara.

J: 'there, send u my address, now come c meh shorty :) '
T: 'ok! Be there soon 💜🖤'

Jake turned off his phone and walked to his kitchen.

"I'm gonna give her flowers!" Jake says as he opens his kitchen cabinet, getting the flour.


Tara walked to Jake's apartment and knocked on the door.
Jake walked over to the door and opened it. "Herro?-" Jake says chuckling. Tara ran in and hugged Jake. "I missed you jakey!!!" She squeals happily.

"Y'know how you like flowers?" Jake asked, smiling  like a dork.

Tara nods.

"Yeah? What about flowers?" Tara asks.

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