Before You Read

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Hello, everyone! I just wanted to include a few disclaimers & things to keep in mind before you read Realize That It's Gone. It's nothing serious (and most of it is a repeat of the warnings for Prove Me Wrong), but things I still figure are worth a mention! You know the drill at this point :)

> First and foremost, this is the second book in the Rose Colored Boy trilogy! If you have not read Prove Me Wrong yet, be sure to do that first so that you know what's going on!

> The timeline is still a little bit wonky. What I mean by this is the timeline that the story follows does not match what actually happened! But, this is fiction, so I'm allowed to do that :)

> Same above goes for Josh's hair! I know his hair was not blue until mid-Vessel era, but I like Josh with blue hair and wanted him to have for this series!

> The reader in this series uses she/her pronouns.

> I've never been to Ohio, and therefore know nothing about what people do there/what the weather is like/what grocery stores people go to/etc. All of this information is based off of where I live, and it may not be entirely accurate! (But again, this is fiction, so I can do that.)

> The point of view switches between chapters. This should be pretty obvious because it will either be written in second person (you) or first person (I) depending on who the chapter is focused on. Even chapters will be Tyler's point of view and odd will be yours/the reader's. However, Tyler's POV will now be on Fridays instead of Tuesdays, as there isn't a prologue in this series!

> There are recurring themes of anxiety and depression within this series, so please be wary when reading (there will still be individual warnings on the chapters). I know everyone experiences these differently, but like all other fics, they are based on my own experiences with mental health.

> And finally, as is mentioned in the teaser, the events in this story take place three months after those of Prove Me Wrong.

I think that's everything! Enjoy Realize That It's Gone :)

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