Chapter Ten

216 12 82

Warnings: Name-calling/teasing, brief anxiety attack, self-deprecation, angst

Word Count: 1900

Author's Note: Uh... I'm sorry? :)

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"Georgie!" Y/N yelped.

She quickly paused our game of Mario Kart and went flying off the couch, stopping Georgie from scrambling up the bookshelves. I watched with wide eyes as she scooped him into her arms and held his wriggling body close to her chest.

"Is he supposed to do that?"

Y/N furrowed her eyebrows, "Climb the bookshelves? No. My dad would be furious."

"No, I mean... wriggle. Like that."

She looked down at Georgie, who was still rolling around in an attempt to find an escape. "He's just trying to get out of my arms, but it's impossible."

Y/N held him until he finally calmed down and relaxed into her arms. Once he was settled down, she gently dropped him onto the ground. He looked around for a moment before sprinting towards the window where a few birds were flying around. I quickly pulled my feet up onto the couch, even though he was nowhere near me.

"He's not going to attack you, Ty," Y/N said as she fell back onto the couch. "He's not evil."

"He kind of has that vibe."

"He's a cat."

"An evil one."

Y/N reached over and lightly shoved at my arm; I laughed and ducked out of the way.

"Don't call him evil, he's just... chaotic."

"Yeah, chaotic evil."


"Ok, sorry, I'm done. Will you unpause the game now?"

"Will you stop calling my cat evil?" she asked, raising an eyebrow at me.




Y/N started the game without any warning, leaving me scrambling to catch up. Thankfully my lead was good enough that I managed to maintain it, even with Y/N's attempted sabotage.

"Isn't the rule that we're supposed to count down before we start the game?"

"Only when the other person isn't being a dick about my cat," she muttered.

"I said I would stop calling him evil!"

"Yeah, but I still had to get revenge for all the other times you called him evil."

"Fine. It's not like you're going to win anyway," I teased.

"You don't know that!"

"I would say it's pretty apparent, based on the clear lead that I have."

"All it takes is one blue shell to make everything go downhill."

"Is that a threat, Y/N?"

"Maybe," she grinned, drawing out the word.

I took a second to glance at her screen, just to see what item she actually had. It was only a green shell, which she was too far from me to effectively use.

"Liar, you only have a green shell."

"You cheater!" she laughed. "Keep your eyes on your half of the screen."

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