Chapter Twenty Two

294 14 22

Warnings: Angst

Word Count: 1985

Author's Note: Ok, so I have a lot to cover in this author's note. First of all, yes, this the last chapter of this book. Second, this chapter takes place around seven months after the last one (big jump, I know). Third, I've been hard at work on the final book of this series and it will be coming soon, so you can look forward to that. And finally, I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

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"When do you leave again?" Y/N asked. She was currently sitting on my bed, helping fold the last load of laundry that I had finished that morning.

"Tomorrow morning, way earlier than I care to wake up," I laughed.

"You have a full tour bus now, though, so napping won't even be a big deal."

"Yeah, I guess you do have a point."

After seven months of album finalizations and tour preparations, Josh and I were finally leaving on another tour. It was a bigger tour this time, with more destinations and more countries than the last one we had been on. The last week had been a mixture of nerves and excitement as we got ready to leave.

"Is this your last bag of stuff?"

"Yeah. I'll have to throw all my toiletries in tomorrow morning, but other than that everything is packed."

"It doesn't even look like that much stuff."

"That's because it's only my stuff. When you add it with Josh's and all the other crew members', it starts to look like a lot more."

"Yeah, I suppose that does make a difference."

Y/N folded up the last shirt from the pile that she had offered to help with and put it into the bag. I grabbed my last few jackets from the closet and tossed them onto the bed to be folded later. Right now, I was double checking all of my drawers to make sure I had remembered absolutely everything I needed.

"Hey, is my ski mask in there?"

"It sounds like you're packing for a bank heist," she laughed.

"We'd probably make more money from a bank heist."

"Hey! You guys are starting to get pretty popular."

"Just because we're popular doesn't mean people are going to show up," I said, shooting her a look.

"People are going to show up, Ty. They wouldn't be booking you shows in other countries if people didn't want to see you."

"Yeah, I guess. Can you check for the ski mask now?"

"Right, sorry."

There was some rustling as Y/N looked through my bag for the ski mask. I continued to check drawers and under the bed for somewhere I might have stuck it without thinking.

"Found it!" she said triumphantly.

"White or black?"

"Um, looks like both."

"Ok, perfect. You can put them back in there, I'm just worried about finding replacements if I forget them."

"Yeah, that would be difficult. How much more do you need to pack?"

"Just those jackets right next to you and I'm sure there's something I'm forgetting."

"I doubt you're forgetting anything, Ty. You're just stressed and thinking you're forgetting something."

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