Chapter Four

215 13 72

Warnings: None

Word Count: 1901

Author's Note: Another chapter! I don't really have much to say this time around, so I hope you enjoy it :)

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Man, Y/N was gorgeous.

She was sitting a few feet away from me on the blanket, rolling a raspberry idly between her fingers. Her eyes were squinted slightly as she looked out towards the distant skyline of Columbus, one hand raised near her temple to block some of the sunlight that was shining down on the two of us. I bit down on my lip in an attempt to stop smiling like a total idiot.

It wasn't working out so well.

"Did I tell you about that wedding that I went to a couple weeks ago?" Y/N asked, breaking the silence that had formed between us.

She turned to look at me before finally popping the raspberry she had been holding into her mouth. Her eyebrows raised slightly, waiting for my answer.

I shook my head, "I don't think so."

Her mouth curled up into a smile as she looked to the sky for a moment. "It was crazy."

"What happened?"

I grabbed a chip from the bag sitting near my knee and dipped it in some guacamole. It crunched loudly between my teeth.

"Do you remember my cousin Ben?"

I thought for a moment. "Tall guy, dark hair, always wears the same Metallica sweatshirt?"

"Yes, that one."

"Ok, I remember him."

Y/N's smile grew wider, "You're not going to believe this. Basically, he came to the wedding with this girl, ok? He told everyone that they were dating and they acted like a couple the entire time, but then at the reception they got into an argument and the girl told everybody that they actually weren't together. He faked the entire thing to impress my family!"

"He faked having a girlfriend? Did the girl know about the plan?"

"Yes, and it gets better. Along with her admitting the entire thing was fake, she confessed that she had been in love with him the entire time, so now they're actually dating."

I reached up to run a hand through my hair. Y/N was now fiddling with the edge of the blanket, pulling at a few loose threads. She was still smiling.

"That sounds like something straight out of a movie."

"It was. My other cousins and I could hardly believe it."

There was a pause in the conversation, mostly because I couldn't think of anything to say. I tensed up a little as Y/N reached past me to grab the cooler, lightly brushing my arm as she did so. She grabbed a drink and popped the top open.

"Ok, enough about me. I want to hear more about tour," she said, meeting my eyes.

My eyebrows raised, "Tour? You know most of what happened."

"Oh, come on." She nudged me slightly. "I'm sure you haven't told me everything."

Well, there was always the fact that I was head over heels in love with her. But what if she didn't feel the same anymore?

"I swear I've told you most of the exciting stuff that happened, already. Other than that, we just worked on Vessel when we had free time."

Y/N's eyes widened in shock. It took me a moment to realize that I had slipped up about the album name, which was still supposed to be kept secret.

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