Another Side of Him

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Chapter 73

Wei Li Lian


YiYuan was truly breath taking, and Li Lian discovered this the next day when she wandered around the place for some fresh air.

Beautiful gardens of herbs ran for miles, fed by the river that flowed from the Capital Bridge. Thatched colorful bamboo buildings also dotted the grounds, complemented by the apricot trees that were in full bloom with shades of orange. She wondered why apricot trees were the only trees grown, though she much appreciated the beautiful scenery.

She received food and ginseng tea from the physician assistants, who let her know that she was discharged and fit to start serving as soon as possible. After sleeping for days she felt better and sought relief by doing anything else other than sleep.

It was on that afternoon that a palace maid shook her awake to follow her to the servants quarters. The ladies of art were sent away from YiYuan therefore Li Lian, who was left behind, was to temporarily serve among the Grand General retinue until they returned to the palace.

The palace maid was asked by the leading court lady to oversee Li Lian as they carried out their duties. Li Lian was firstly changed to the palace maid uniform which was sheer pastel blue of layered garment. It was quite extravagant compared to one that was worn by Grand Consort Shu's entourage.

Calling in for duty, they prepared warm bathing water for the Grand General, straightened his robes and cleaned up here and there around his chambers.

And during this time, the palace maid didn't introduce herself or share conversation with Li Lian. She just quietly did her work and corrected or helped her where required. When they were done with their duties, they went to get food from the servants kitchen, where the palace maid abandoned Li Lian to sit by her friend.

Li Lian was not surprised to hear them gossip about her behind her back. It was something in the lines of that she was good for nothing, beauty without brains who had it easy because of the Grand General. They even mentioned that she was not that pretty enough to start with.

Afterwards, the palace maid took her to the servants chambers so that they could retire for the night. The palace maid told her that they were to sleep early because the following day they were on duty in serving the Grand General on the walk-on retinue. As a person who was used to sleeping on comfortable beds, the mattress was uncomfortable that it took Li Lian time to catch sleep.

Li Lian assumed that when it came to the Grand General, now 'Yuwen Hong', what you saw is what you were bound to get. There was no other way. But oh was she wrong. Yuwen Hong was more than just that. And she realised it the hard way.

It was during the hour of the tiger(between 3am and 6am) that they awoke, hurriedly washed and gathered together with the morning entourage at the required place, which was an idle vacant room. The roof had a majestic decoration of a forest painting roof staring down at them while the floor was elegantly carpeted with green.

Leading the morning briefing was the Eunuch who had a mole by his nose, the same eunuch who pushed Dao at the Imperial Grounds Camp. He was still unbearable as Li Lian remembered. Then representing the maids was a court lady Li Lian was not familiar with.

Grand Consort's entourage never woke up in the morning for morning briefings. They planned for the following day before retiring for the night. How could it be that serving a mere noble was ridiculously difficult than serving a royal member?

It was difficult to work with the Grand General's entourage. They were serious, non-social and just plain cold. Li Lian could also smell the fear from far away, it was as if someone was holding a stick behind their back.

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