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This is everyone I've got so far.


Female,Fast,caring, smart,good with hand done things. Appearance: Purple hoodie,lilac eyes,white tank top,brown hair,black jeans. Super High School Level-Sports Star

Anna/Diamond_Mockingjay -17

Female,Shy, smart,fast,clever,book worm,got with sports,easily aggravated. Appearance: Short brown hair,light brown hair,blue jacket, white t-shirt,jeans,grey converse. Super High School Level-Writer


Female,Fast,loves school, easily emotionally attaches to things, can't do violence.Appearance: Long black hair,green creeper hoodie,jeans,badges. Super High School Level-Perfect

Allison/Randomgeekyness -16

Female,Sweet, but with a dark side. Appearance: brown curly hair,dark brown eyes,freckles,tan-ish, short, glasses,purple v-neck,grey jeans,black sneakers. High School Level-Artist


Female,Funny,nice,daring, weird,mysterious. Appearance: green dino hoodie,blonde hair(long),green eyes,green boots, Jean shorts. High School Level-Fandom

Pink/ random-pink-15

Female,pink wavy hair with a high ponytail,pink headset,teal shirt under a brown hoodie,skinny jeans,combat boots, dark brown bag/purse.High School Level-Model


Male,Average, geeky, random, fast, skinny, always a bit paranoid. Appearance:Checkered hoodie with a blue t-shirt ,fez hat, black converse. High School Level- Luckster

Storm/StormLikesMC -14

Female,random,sarcastic,hyper,loud, geek,nerd. Appearance: blonde long hair, blue headphones,glasses,blue hoodie with grey shirt. High School Level-Redneck Geek

Maria // 16 years old // Super High School Level Royal

Looks ; elbow length black hair, light green eyes and a few freckles underneath her nose. Quite tall, always wears her mother's diamond pendant which has a picture of the royal family inside. She usually wears a black peplum skirt with a white blouse and a green tie. She also wears black heels and a black fitted blazer.

Personality ; She is very quiet, very smart and bratty. She is always mean and snobby. Like one of those stereotypical rich people. Maria is overly emotional and cries at everything bad that happens.


Brown long pigtails,green jacket with a few yellow stripes, school uniform underneath,black boots,gold necklace that has a small crystal that opens into a broken watch,glasses. Personality:very quiet,observant,friendly but independent. Super High School Level-Fighter

Nya / EnderGirl - 16

Female, long sky aqua hair over her left eye, purple eyes, sleeveless white blouse, black shorts and black boots, white heart gem necklace.

Shy to new people but as soon as she opens up shes a really crazy, funny, kind and independent girl. She loves all that has to do with nature and loves to sing. Super High School Level Singer

Vincent /VCforLife-15

Looks- shaggy brown hair, blue eyes, tan shirt, grey swat pants, brown sneakers

Skill(s)- He likes baking, especially cookies

High School Level-Baker


Shy,until you get to know her,gullible,kinda brave,very optimistic, knows when she has to be serious, very protective of friends, dangerous when agitated, mischievous, likes reading and writing. Appearance: black hair, steel grey eyes, kinda tan skin, black t-shirt, black jeans. High School Level-Computer Wiz


Arrogant,weirdo, stubborn, caring, depressed, scared, shy. Appearance: Doctor who shirt, Letterman, blue hair down to waist, blue eyes, black converse, jeans, tardis beanie. High School Level- Band Player


Always happy,geek, nerd, lived video games, anime. Appearance: Black and curly hair,black eyes, black hoodie with white shirt underneath, cacky jeans.


Super Level Animal Carer-Looks: A black shirt with a blue dino on it, purple plaid pants, white bunny slippers, and white kitten ears-Skills: Sucks at bow, great with a pistol and throwing knifes, decent swimmer, loves piano, antisocial, sucks at running and athletic things, and is VERY flexible

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