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We all entered a big,circular room that had podiums with our picture above them.  I took my podium and noticed that they were all filled except one. The one next to me. It had Liv's picture on it, covered in blood, shaped in an X.

"Why?" Aria muttered.

"Why did you make us do this?" Aria explained
Oh,why, to make disBEAR. Oh,sweet despair. How it engages people. Alright. Now find out whodunit.

"Alright. So we know that she was killed with a knife." Ninja started

"And it was a kitchen knife." Anna stated.

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"Ummm...well, you see,I went in the kitchen while investigating and saw a knife missing from the rack." Anna confirmed.

"Well, we know that she was defending herself. Because she had a sharp piece of wood in her right hand." I said.

"What about her left? Kathena asked.

"Well.... there is none."I got out.

"But I smelt the burning of flesh in the incinerator." Kathena said. "Yeah. Weird talent."

"There was another weird thing that I noticed." I muttered.

"What was that?" Sammi said.

"She left a message. It was on the wall behind her. It was VNNV" I said.

"We also found a blue sleeve in the incineratior." Ninja said.

"There was also a pen." Anna said.

"Wait, you were never in the garbage disposal." I suspected.

"Ummm....Ummm.... I was told." Anna muttered.

"By who?" Said a few of us.

"Yeah. Who told you?" River asked.

"Unless someone speaks up, then you will be very suspicious." Morgan said.

No one said anything to testify the comment.

"I guess that leaves you to suspicion." Morgan said.

"And it's because of that that I have figured out the message." Kathena said. "The VNNV turned around its ANNA"

"Then why aren't there lines in the middle?" Anna asked.

"She was dying. What do you expect? Cursive?" Kathena replied.

"I.....I. ...." Anna said.

"Me and Sammi saw Liv go into the kitchen while drinking. Not that it will help." Vince said.

"No. That helps clear up the story." I said. "So Liv traded rooms with me to calm down. She probably thought of killing someone, so she went into the kitchen to get a knife. Then, she went to someone's room to probably "help" her calm her nerves. So she called that person and went into "Liv's" room. So then, Liv attacked her. The defender probably took the knife and cut Liv's left hand. My desk was also kinda chipped, so she probably broke off some wood to defend herself, but failed. So she hid in the closet to hide. But the defender burst through the door to kill her. So she did. Then, the killer went to the incinerator and threw a pen at the on button, because the shutters won't open. Then, the killer balled up their jacket and threw it in the incinerator and walked away.Little did they know, their jacket sleeve was hanging,and fell out." I said. "And that's the case."

"But.... I. ..... She attacked me! It's called self defense!" Screamed Anna.

"You had many opportunities to leave. Like when she was in the closet." Sammi said.


"So it was you." River whispered.
Alright. Enough evidence has been found. Now, vote on the buttons in front of you. Then, if you get it right, then the killer will be punished. But if you don't guess right, then all except the killer gets punished.
So we all voted.
Alright. Everyone has voted. Let's do this thing!
Then, a giant slot machine came out of the wall. Monokuma jumped and pulled the handel. The machine showed all Anna's face.
Anna has been found guilty. She will now be executed.

"Executed?" Anna stuttered.
Yep. That's your punishment. Lets watch!

That's it. Thanks. Next chapter will be the execution. Comment,Vote,and follow. Thanks guys. Love you.

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