A New Beginning pt 2

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Click the video think of it as the intro sometimes. P.S don't own the song.

Third POV
Deku woke up the next day still thinking about how he would use the power he was bestowed upon by the gods. He went to the bathroom to take a shower to get cleaned up Deku looked at the mirror and saw his quirk turned off and looked normal, well excepted he looks completely different. He had blue-green eyes, green hair with black highlights and a more muscular body.

 He had blue-green eyes, green hair with black highlights and a more muscular body

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Imagine Danny (Danny is the person in the picture) as Deku.

Deku's POV
When I saw myself I wondered why did this happen to me. What if everyone hates me ridicules me for my weak quirk. Were the thoughts that crossed my mind even though I didn't know the full extent of mt quirk I still thought of myself as weak, after what my mother did to me.

Third POV
Deku started to cry about everything that happened to his life. Then there was a knock on the door Deku went to open it to Momo in her PJs. "Deku get dressed my parents want to meet you." Momo said with worry. "Yeah ok I'll be right down." Deku put on some clothes on to meet Momo's parents. While finshing putting on his clothes his quirk actives and he goes through the floor and lands in front of Momo's parents. "Hello Mr and Mrs.Yaoyorozu." shit what do I do now ahhh. "We need to talk young man." Mr.Yaoyorozu said to Deku. "How did you meet our daughter? Who are your parents and what is your quirk?Mr.Yaoyorozu asked Deku. "Well I bumped into her while walking around the island, I have no parents and it seems my quirk allows me to go through solid objects but I still don't know the full extent of it." Deku answered their questions. After a few more questions they introduced themselves as Tokoyashi and Mokayasho Yaoyorozu. "Deku you can stay with us as long as you want, but on one condition. What is it Tokoyashi? You protect our daughter from any harm at UA understood. Yes sir I won't disappoint you two." With that Deku went up to Momo's room to tell her the good news. She opened the door and hugged him. "Glad you are staying now get ready we're leaving for Japan tomorrow morning, also to train you for the UA entrance exam in 10 months." Time skip to the next day because I'm lazy.

Deku's POV
It was kind of Mr and Mrs Yaoyorozu to let me stay with them. They treat like a part of the family which I never had growing up on the streets at the age of 4. "Momo wake up. What is it Deku? You said you were going to train me for the entrance exam. Oh yeah lets began." Was what we said to eachother before we began training.

Now let me begin the training montage.

1 month Deku's POV
I learned how to transform at will and also figured out how to become intangible.

Month 2
Found out I could turn invisible and can shoot green plasma from my hands.

Yes I made Momo know hand to hand combat I mean come on she is a recommendation student and she doesn't know how to fight before UA. Seriously well no more rantting on to the montage.

Month 3
Momo started showing Me hand to hand combat since her quirk is creation and can only create non-living things.

Month 4
Learned I could fly on accidentally when Momo was trying to let sweep me while we were fighting.

Time skip to month 10 what I'm lazy.

Month 10 Deku's POV
After all my training I learned my quirks abilities and got a catchphrase which is going ghost which allows me to transform and use my powers. Now my abilities are as follows plasma beams, invisibility, phasing, flight, a sixth sense also learned that I could take over someone's body while I'm intangible. A pretty powerful quirk. Now I am ready for the UA entrance exam and become the worlds greatest hero.

End of chapter 3 sorry it took so long had some writers block while writing this chapter. So some info on what has happened to Bakugo during the sludge villian attack well All Might stopped him in the tunnel where Deku was during the anime. Deku will not get one for all that would be Mirio. Deku will get some more abilities from Danny Phantom like the ghostly wail and ice powers, also going to give him a state that make him unbeatable not saying the name of it but you'll find out later down the line. Also comment what should his hero name be. Well GOTTA FLY.

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