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In the 6th grade, we had an end of the year project on any topic that we wanted. It was worth half our grade, and we had the last month of school to work on it. We would spend the last two days of school presenting to the class. Camila and I were partners for this project, and we chose the topic of friendship. We made this huge poster board with a bunch of pictures our moms had taken of us over the years.  We had our favorite saying written all over the board as well. 'Cradle to Grave' was written underneath all the photos and just placed randomly everywhere. We thought it looked amazing, but looking back now, it probably seemed a bit tacky.

At the end of each presentation, our teacher, Mr. King, would ask a question. At the end of ours, he asked a question that was more thoughtful then all the other questions he asked the other students. What did friendship mean to us? I don't remember what I said fully, but I know it was pretty much the dictionary definition of friendship. Camila's answer though, it was mindblowing. She said "Friendship is sometimes the only thing we have. That when you are going through so many changes when growing up and it seems that nothing is the same, one thing that will always remain constant is your best friend." She looked me in the eyes and then said something that has been replaying in my head for 11 years. She said "Friendship is what prepares you for love because you would do anything for your friend and you love them unconditionally and that is exactly how you should feel when you are in love" Big words for a 12-year-old.

After 11 years, I have had time to rethink my answer. If I could go back in time this would be my answer. "Friendship is working a twelve-hour shift at a stupid store that barely pays minimum wage and coming home to stay up for hours on end talking with your best friend about this new show she has recently became obsessed with. Friendship is listening to your best friend repeat the same facts about some random band that you really don't care for, but you still listen because you know it makes her feel better. Friendship is random arguments that you fix, because you know she is only trying to pull away. Friendship is constant reassurance, even if you are incredibly annoyed with her that day. Friendship is not letting her know that you are annoyed at her. Friendship is leaving a date early because you get a call from your best friend's mom telling you that your friend is being admitted to the hospital for an attempted suicide attempt. Friendship is sleeping on a waiting room floor because your best friend is in surgery and you want to be there when she wakes up. Friendship is never turning down your volume and having a certain ringtone on your phone for her, so at 3 am when it gets bad again, you won't miss the call. Friendship is knowing that you are madly in love with your friend, but not telling her because keeping quiet will be easier on her. Friendship is putting her first. No matter what."

The FriendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora