Chapter 6

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It has been about six days since we have transferred rooms, and I would love to say that everything is going well but that would be a lie. As suspected, the recovery process has been rough. Some days it is like the old Camila is sitting there in the bed, talking about some new tv show that she watched on my laptop the night before when I fell asleep. Then some days it is a whole new person who is so bitter and cold that the Grinch would run away in fear from her. Today is one of the bad days.

"No! Get away from me!"

"Camz, babe, it's okay, the nurse is only trying to give you your medicine."

Camila's head snapped in my direction. "I don't want the medicine! Just let me die already! And, if you were smart, Lauren, you would never call me 'babe' again." Camila said babe in a teasing tone with made my heart sink. "You act like I like you or something, Jauregui."

I went to go say something when her doctor came in. "Lauren, can I talk to you out in the hallway for a sec, please?"

I nodded and followed him out into the hallway. I could tell by the look on his face that the news he had was not good. Usually, it would be Sinhue, Alejandro, and myself out here with the doctor, but Sophie is sick at home with Alejandro and Sinhue is at work. So, that left me here to take care of everything and to make the decisions. "Camila has bleeding on the brain."

"W-wh- what? How? I thought you said everything looked good and that there wouldn't be any complications! You gave us false hope, didn't you? Like the false hope you give the family whose son got in a fatal car crash, but you tell them that there is still a chance he may pull through even though you know he won't. That false hope." I took a deep breath after realizing I was shouting. "What can we do, Doc? She's everything to me."

The doctor smiled sadly at me. "We can try to go in to stop the bleeding and try to minimize the swelling, or we can just let nature take its course here. You may want to call her parents before making the decision."

I nodded at him understanding. I immediately pulled out my phone and called Sinhue. Of course, she was on the same page as I was with the surgery, so now in twenty minutes, Camila will be getting prepped for a potentially dangerous surgery. Camila will be having a craniectomy done, which if you don't know, the remove a part of the skull to relieve pressure and to stop the bleeding on the brain. This surgery is only done in emergencies, which has especially put me over the edge.


"Miss. Jauregui?" I looked up to see a nurse who seemed to appear in thin air. "I need you to come with me, there have been certain complications with Camila's surgery."

My heart sank to my stomach as she spoke. I slowly got up and followed her into a room where they had Sinhue on call. This is all pointing to bad signs. They are bringing me in here to tell me she is dead, or that she is going to die. This is not okay, and I am definitely not okay.

"Lauren, please sit down, there is a lot to take in." I already had tears in my eyes as I sat down. "We were not able to stop the bleeding on her brain, but we were able to reduce the swelling. The bleeding is minor at this time, but we are still very concerned. At this time, we are moving her into intensive care, but with a room that is accessible for a guest. Sinhue has agreed that it would be best for you to stay since Camila tends to lose it when you are gone. The recovery process will be long and hard, and from what you have told me about Camila, she is not going to like being on bed rest."

I am sure the doctor had more to say, but the ringing in my ears was louder than his voice. I felt sick to my stomach, at least she is alive but she isn't really living. I can't breathe. I need out of here now. The walls are closing in. Why is everything going black? No, no, no. Not right now.

"Lauren, are you okay?"


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