Chapter 1

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" Listen to them — children of the night. What music they make." I looked over at Camila, who was already asleep, even though we had just begun watching Dracula. She always insisted that we watched old movies like this because she knows I like them. I tell her every time that we don't have to watch them. That we can watch something that won't put her asleep, but still she insists

Camila called me over tonight after my shift at the store downtown saying that she needed to talk. I knew that she was probably only going to talk about that singer, Billie Eilish, that she has recently become obsessed with. I wasn't in the mood to hear about it, but I knew that it made her feel better so I would listen to her spout out random facts anyway. Camila surprised me tonight though. When I walked in, I saw that she had the play screen up for Dracula and snacks and drinks set up. Camila greeted me at the door in her dragon onesie and she had my unicorn onesie in her hand. She jumped and koala on to me, making me drop my bag, but that was okay. Why would you hold on to a Walmart brand bag, when you have Gucci being thrown at you? 

It wasn't too long before we were cuddled up in our onesies underneath a thousand blankets on the couch. Camila laid her head on my chest at threw her arm and leg across me. That is how she fell asleep on me. I knew something must have happened today, but I decided not to ask because I didn't want to upset her. She would tell me on her own time. 


"Honestly Camila, just say the word and I won't go." I watched her roll her eyes in the mirror at me. She didn't speak, she just kept fumbling with the necklace clasp. "I can tell something is wrong, Camz. I don't have to go. I don't even really want to go on the date. It is with that boy that Shawn and Dinah set me up with, and you know their taste in men. Come on, Camz. Just say it."

She finally clasped the necklace and took a step back. "Stop it, Lauren. I am fine, and you are going. End of discussion. Now grab a jacket, it is supposed to get cold tonight."

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes at her. "Whatever you say, mother." I playfully kissed her nose and walked passed her. "You know that it probably won't get that cold."

"Well like my Abuela always said, 'Better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.' and I much rather you have it then you taking the chance of freezing."

I squinted at her, but nevertheless, I kept my mouth shut. She is being abnormally caring. Normally at this point, she would just tell me whatever and leave the room, but not tonight. Tonight, she was persistent and caring. I am supposed to be the persistent and caring one when it comes to our friendship. I honestly have never felt more worried about her then I do tonight.


This date is honestly one of the best dates I have had in a while. Even though we don't have much in common, we just kinda click. I know that Ty has a reputation of cheating and being degrading to girls, but the side of Ty I saw tonight is the complete opposite of that. Ty was being goofy and clumsy, just like he was nervous about our date. Which I doubt because Ty is Ty and well, I am me.

"So, tell me about yourself, Lauren. What is your favorite movie? Your favorite color, animal, song? Tell me everything."

I looked up from my drink at Ty. He was being serious. I smiled then finally answered. "My favorite movie is Dracula, my favorite color is blue, my favorite animal is a tiger, and my favorite song is Born to Die by Lana Del Rey," I smirked at him before I continued. "if this date goes well you can learn more, but right now let's just stick to the basics."

"You're different from the other girls I have been with, and I think I might like it."

I laughed at him. "Oh, you think you might? That's nice." Before anything else could be said, my phone started ringing. Camila's mom was calling me. She wouldn't call me unless something happened to Camila. "Excuse me, I need to take this." I got up and walked away from the table. "Hello? What's wrong Sinuhe?" I dropped my phone and I felt my knees buckle, making me start to fall. I felt like someone had just ripped out my insides and stomped on them until they were a fine puree. I felt sick like I needed to throw up.

Ty ran over when he saw me holding onto the chair for the support and clenching my stomach. "Lauren, what's wrong?"

"You need to take me to the South Miami Hospital, my friend tried to shoot herself."

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