Chapter 8

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I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. We have friends since birth and there is no way I am going to let this little incident mess that up. If she doesn't want me as a lover, fine, but there is no way that she can't have me as a friend. We need each other. 

The moon doesn't shine without her sun, and the sun has no reason to shine without her moon. Camila is my moon.  I have no reason to breathe without her. She is the reason I get up in the morning. My life is meaningless without her, and from experience from our past fights, she feels the same too.

We couldn't go more than 3 hours without talking to each other.  One of us would cave, usually her, and call the other person. Even while we are at work, every hour we text each other. It can be a simple hi or a just checking in, but it has to be every hour. My phone died one day at work and I couldn't text her at the last hour, so she left her work early to make sure I was okay. I am still amazed to this day that she wasn't fired.

Camila has something about her in that way though. She can do things that others would get in trouble for with just a slight tap on the wrist, and sometimes she doesn't even get that. I don't blame the people though. I can't get mad at her for long either. All she has to do is bat those pretty brown eyes and put a slight frown on those perfect lips, and I am as stable as slime in her hands.

"Lo, can I come in?"

I shot up off the bed and tried to make myself look presentable. "Of course, Camz. You don't have to ask."

She walked through the door with a giant teddy bear and some flowers. "Hey, I went down to the gift shop and got you a few things. I took the liberty and went ahead and named the teddy bear Steven for us."


She looked at me with a big smile gleaming on her face. "While duh. He is our teddy bear. Do you think I would trust you with taking care of him alone? Shall I remind you what happened to Spike?"

"Hey! I didn't know fish could die from being overfed. If he was full, why didn't he stop eating?"

"Probably because he was a Wal-mart fish, now back to the matter at hand, we get to go home tomorrow?"

Oh, so that why she is in here talking to me. I looked down at my phone to see that it has only been two and a half hours since she left the room. "Is that the reason you came back in here?"

"No, I am back in here because it has almost been three hours and I couldn't take it no more. I need you, and you need me. So lose the attitude and get up to help me."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2020 ⏰

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