Chapter 4

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My head shot up to look the doctor in the eyes. "Don't you dare accuse her parents of this. They would not do this to her, and no, there have not been any changes in Camila's household. As for her seeing anybody, yes she was but they broke up about four weeks ago-" I trailed off when I realized the timeline. "I know who did this."

"Who?" The officer asked with wide eyes. "Lauren, tell us who you think has been doing this to Camila."

I shook my head in disbelief. I can't believe that he would do something like this, nor can I believe that I didn't realize that she was being abused. "His name is Luke Sparks. He went to school with us, and after graduation, he just kinda left. Last year he came back, and Camila and him went on a date which led to them dating. They broke up about four weeks ago, and when I asked Camila why, she said she just finally had enough." 

The officer nodded as she started writing things down and whispering things to her partner. How had I not have noticed that she was being abused for a little over a year? I saw the bruising on her arms, but I always just wrote it off as her being clumsy. How could she keep the fact that she had broken bones hidden from me? I know she had to be in intense pain, but yet she never told me. I want to hold her and tell her everything will be okay, but at the same time, I know when I see her I am going to be afraid of touching her for fear of her crumbling at my slightest touch. I can't believe that Luke did this to her, to my Camz. If I get to him before the cops get to him, he will be in worse shape then the people in the morgue.

After a few more questions about Luke and Camila, the officers let me go back out to the waiting room to sit with Camila's family. As I walked down the hallway, I heard Dinah and Shawn talking, which made me smile knowing that they came back, but why so early? I looked at my phone to see that it was now nine o'clock in the morning. I know that there is no way that I was back there for that long. I shrugged to myself and kept walking until I heard a familiar voice. I stopped dead in my tracks which made the officers who were following me out to the hallway ask me if I was okay. Instead of answering, I ran into the waiting room where I saw Luke standing there, hugging Sinuhue. 

"I am so glad to see you, Luke. I know that when Camila wakes up she will definitely want to talk things over with you. You were so good to her." Sinuhue sniffled a bit before she pulled away from the hug. "It will mean a lot to her that you came."

When I reached them, I pushed Luke away from Sinuhue, then I punched him incredibly hard in the face. "You do not deserve to live! Do you hear me? You are trash. I can't believe I ever thought you were a good guy! If those officers were not here right now, and if I wasn't trying to be here for when Camila wakes up, you would be dead. Do you hear me Sparks? Dead."

The cops pulled me away from Luke and put me in restraints. The quickly put Luke under arrest, and when they did, they told him why he was being arrested which made everyone else in the room ready to kill him. The male officer quickly realized this and removed Luke from the room quickly. The female officer came over and undid my handcuffs, and then proceded to tell everyone about what Luke had done to Camila. Sinuhue came over to me after hearing what he did and hugged me. Through her tears, she thanked me for punching Luke and told me that if I ever had the chance to again to kill him. I assured her I would.

I am not quite sure when I fell asleep, but I know that it was much needed. I woke up with my head on Dinah's lap and my feet on Shawn's. I knew for a fact I didn't fall asleep like this, but I really didn't care.  Dinah was running her hands through my hair while humming softly. She has always done this since we were young and I was stressed out. Whether it was over a softball game, or me trying to come to terms with my sexuality, I knew I could count on napping on Dinah while she ran her fingers through my hair while singing or humming. She did the same thing to Camila, but Camila always rathered her back to rubbed rather than fingers running through her hair. Dinah still ran her fingers through Camila's hair, but I always rubbed her back.

I stayed on their laps for about five more minutes while Dinah, Shawn, and I talked amongst ourselves until we all agreed that we were hungry. "Come on, Lauren. They said no one is going to be able to go back and see her to at least six, and it is only two right now. We can go to a restaurant and get a real meal rather than crappy hospital food." Shawn tried everything in his power to get me to leave the hospital, but I still wouldn't budge.

"No, if you guys want to go out and eat, then fine, but I am staying here in case anything else happens with Camila." 

Dinah shoved Shawn slightly. "If you are staying Lauren, so are we. We are in this together. Oh, by the way, has anyone called the other two about this yet?"

I grimaced, suddenly remembering Normani and Ally. I haven't spoken to them since the incident with me walking in on them in the middle of sex. "Uh, I haven't. Shawn, did you get ahold of them?"

Shawn nodded laughing. He is the only one that knew the reason that Normani, Ally, and I weren't speaking. "Yes, I talked to them yesterday. They will on a plane from Texas to here tomorrow afternoon. Have you three still not patched things up?"

I glared at him as we made our descent to the cafeteria. I ended up getting a salad with a coffee while the other two sprung for the burger and fries. We had only been eating for about ten minutes when my phone started ringing. Sinuhue was calling me.

I quickly answered in panic. "Hello, Sinuhue, what happened is everything okay?"

"Get back up here now. Camila is awake and is freaking out. She keeps asking for you, so get up here now." 

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