Chapter 2

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Ty and I didn't talk the entire way to the hospital. The already excruciating ride became even worse within the silence. Every once in a while, I saw Ty glance my way, but I didn't care about him at the moment. The only thing on my mind was her. My beautiful angel who had a deeper pain in her then she let on. I don't understand how God can let such a beautiful soul suffer as much as she did. Does. How much she does. I need to stop talking about her in the past tense. She is still here, and she is very much still alive.

We pulled up to the hospital and rather than parking, Ty dropped me off by the door, knowing I could not wait any longer. Ty didn't even fully stop before I jumped out of the car. I knew I must have looked like a mess, make-up running down my puffy face, hair messy from running my hand through it, and I was quite the sobbing mess. I ran up to the desk where a Nurse was sitting, typing away at her computer.

"Uh- hi- I need to know what room Camila Cabello is in. Like now. Uh- please." I realized I probably sounded harsh, but at least I said please, right? "Is she okay?"

The Nurse looked up at me then back at her computer. Her eyes widened then she gave me a small smile. "She is on the third floor. Right now she is in surgery. The rest of her family is in the third-floor waiting room. Allow me to take you up there." 

She got up from behind her desk and came around to escort me to the elevators. The elevator ride was quiet, and I did not fail to notice the sympathetic looks the Nurse kept giving me. Was it that bad? She said Camila was in surgery, so that means that she is still alive at least. I still can't wrap my head around this. One minute I am having dinner with Ty and the next I am rushing to the hospital to be with my friend who shot herself. Oh god, Ty. He drove me here, and I didn't even give him a simple thanks. I wonder if he stuck around or if he left.

Finally, the elevator doors dinged and opened. The scene in front of me was crazy. There were cops everywhere, each one doing something that seemed important. Camila's family were being talked to, as were Dinah and Shawn. I slowly walked in, catching Sinhue's attention. She jumped up and engulfed me in the biggest hug ever. We both broke down in tears, neither of us being able to hold back anymore. We stayed there for a moment before an officer interrupted us. 

"Excuse me are you, Lauren Jauregui?" 

I pulled away from Sinhue and wiped away some tears. "Yeah, that would be me."

The officer smiled somberly at me and pulled out an envelope from his pocket. "Camila left this letter to you. I figured it be best that you opened it first, and then if there is anything in there to help us, we would like to read it as well. If that is okay with you, of course."

I took the envelope from him nodding my head a little. "Yeah, that will be okay."

I slowly opened the envelope. I took a deep breath before opening up the letter to read. 

'To Lauren,

Hey, Lo. If you are reading this, it means that I was able to pull the trigger. Dark, I know, but it is true. The thoughts were getting bad. I didn't know how else to quiet them. I just wanted it to stop. I know I could have talked to you, but Lauren, I didn't want to complicate your life even more than I already did.

There are about a million things I want to put in this letter, but I do not want to waste any more paper than required. Lauren, I want you to know that you were everything to me. You were the reason that my moon was so bright. You were the only light in my life, and I know you would sacrifice anything for me to keep that light. Just like the sun does for the moon, but you know how there are a few days after a full moon where you can't see the moon. I will be gone like the moon is for the few days, but like the moon and sun, you and I will meet again. Ready to tell our story to the world all over again. I don't know if I believe in the afterlife, but if there is one, I will wait for you there.

If you couldn't tell from my last paragraph, I love you. Like an insane amount. I know it is a little too late to tell you, but I wanted you to know. I wanted you to know that the reason I fought this for so long is because of you. I also want you to know that this was not in any way your fault. I know that a lot of people will blame themselves for this, but in reality, it was no one. Lauren, I want you to promise me one thing. One last request if you will. I want you to promise that you will tell our story, my story, and your story through your writing. I know you think your writing is crap, but Lauren it isn't. Promise me, Lauren. Promise me you will not let me be forgotten and that I will be remembered forever within your words. Even if you don't publish it and you are the only one who will ever see it. Pinky promise me. Promise?

Love yours truly,


I let a small sob escape my mouth. "I promise, Camz."

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