Blushing Dove

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It sounds like a blues song." Julianna wondered.
"Yes, it does." Benedict agreed. He started playing the piano again, trying to start the first verse for me, "I get weak in the knees when you walk in the room, you're so hot and lovely like the month of June. If you were a song, I'd be your happy tune and you're so handsome I swear I could swoon.."
"Did you get that Jules?" He asked as I kept singing. She nodded, writing the words down while Benedict wrote out the music on his sheet. "Again, dear." he started up again. "You're so sweet you give me cavities. It should be evil your abilities. You're a smooth young man like Fred Astaire, I want to run my fingers through your hair. Don't know why you smile when you look at me, my heart starts jumping and I chatter my teeth..." I stopped. I was all out of ideas now, Benedict stopped playing and hugged me, "This is going to be an amazing song."
Jules left the living room to wash the dishes, and leave us to our conversation, "So. The question is, who is this song about?" he asked with a smile in his eyes.
"Well, I don't know yet. I just came out of my soul." I said looking up at the tall man next to me. He smiled.
"I see, this is a description of the man you want in your life. Am I right?" he asked scooting closer to me.
I nodded. I didn't know if I had any feelings for him yet...maybe a little. But I didn't know if I was okay with it. If I did become comfortable with it, would that make me strange? Would that make me even more of a freak?
"You'll find him very soon."
"Maybe." I stood from the bench and joined Jules in the kitchen, she could only give me a knowing smirk as she placed the dishes in the dishwasher.
"Stop it." I told her.
"What? I think you two are adorable."
"Shhh! Not so loud." I covered her mouth.
"Oh come on," She brushed my hand away. "Take the opportunity or regret it."
"I don't know if I am okay with it."
"Have you ever wondered what it would be like to date someone like him?" she asked.
"He's my Choir teacher."
"No. Forget about him being a teacher, have you ever thought about dating a gentleman like my uncle?"
"Its just too strange." I whispered.
"What are you afraid of?"
"Being made fun of. If this gets out into the school, I'll be known as a slut."
"(y/n). Stop caring about what other people think of you. When you graduate, you wont see any of those idiots."
"I have to think about this. I don't want to get pressured into something like this again."
"No one is asking you to-"
"I know, Jules. I understand that."
"You deserve to be happy, (y/n). Think about it."
The ride back to school the next day was a bit fuzzy, I wasn't thinking straight. Jules' voice kept on echoing in my head. I didn't even know if I wanted a boyfriend again. Not after what had happened with Marcus. I didn't want rumors spread about me or people bullying me again.
I had to make sure I was okay inside first. I needed to heal first. I dismounted my bike and held my hat down to keep the wind from blowing it away. I walked in and took my seat as usual, Jules was there playing the piano while Benedict was in his office.
"Morning, (y/n)." She looked up from the piano but still kept playing. "Do you know this song?" she asked. I nodded.
"Sing with me." She said. She started off, "Hey honey how would you like to have a time on the town tonight. We can go where you want to go. It will be so nice..."
"Oh cutie what do you say, I'll pick you up around seven or eight, we can talk and laugh all night it'll be so nice." I finished. Mr. Tim came out of the room and looked at us both, "What on earth are you silly girls doing?"
I looked at him and shrugged. He looked so nice today he wore a black jacket and a crisp white shirt, decorated with a blue tie. His hair was combed back so elegantly...What the hell was I thinking?
"We're singing, Uncle." Julianna started playing again upon the keys.
"A love like mine, isn't something you come across too many times but I'll keep my fingers crossed. I'll treat you so well. You'll feel like you never fell, its hard to find a love like mine....Come on Mr. Tim, sing with us." Jules taunted. I giggled at the sight of his face, "No, I will leave this charade to you both." He smiled slightly.
"Come on Mr. Tim. We need a bass in this song." I teased. We kept taunting him until he finally gave in, "Alright, Alright fine...It seems like you need a break so take a chance with me today, we can take all of that stress and make it go away. If money is what you like.."
"Buy whatever you want to buy." I sang in tune with him and Julianna chimed in as well. The bell started to ring and we kept singing as the kids started filing in, Marcus came in and witnessed us three looking at us curiously. Benedict stood in front of the class and stopped us from playing, "Marcus, do you have the music?" he asked.
"Yeah..." He shuffled through his back pack to give him a stack of slightly crumpled sheet music.
"Thanks." He took them from him and set them on the top of the piano.
"You. Here. Now." Marcus mouthed to me furiously. I shook my head, smiling at the idiotic face he had. It only made his face even redder with anger as I stood my ground.
"Julianna and (y/n) gave me a very good idea on how you all can warm up. We sing a gentle song instead of those boring scales. How does that sound?"
The class all agreed, "Alright then. I'm guessing everyone knows the song Rude right?"
The class started to rile up with excitement, "Good. Julianna, give me the keys to start them out with."
Jules played the keys and each section hummed their note, Benedict took his seat and both of us went back up to ours as he started playing the song. Everyone seemed to like the idea, everyone was starting to dance a little bit and sing along. Once the song ended, Mr. Tim handed out the sheet music to the class.
"Now. Unfortunately, we will not be singing current songs of today in here...That will be our last concert." the class moaned.
"Oh, stop it. We will be singing some classics from the forties though...I hope you all like Gene Kelley and Bing Crosby." he smiled evilly at the class. I looked at the four pieces of sheet music in my hand, Dream a Little Dream of Me, Cheek to Cheek, Singing in the Rain and Putting on the Ritz.
Interesting choice from a guy who likes to hang out with his students. I laughed at the choices a little bit, I made the connection. Each actor played a gentleman in the old movies...except Bing Crosby. He used to beat his kids in real life....It's Marcus! I giggled again as the music started to play with one of the songs.
"What is so funny?" Jules whispered.
I leaned in and whispered to her and she started laughing too, "They do kind of look alike."
"Ladies, are you alright up there?" Ben asked.
I couldn't help but laugh harder, I covered my mouth, did he not even know it either, that he found Marcus' twin from back in time.
"Yeah we're fine. Sorry, Mr. Tim."
After class, Jules and I were the last to leave but Benedict blocked us from leaving, "What was so funny up there ladies?" he asked with his arm blocking the door. The way he stood made his chest puff out...oh Lord.
"Nothing, Jules told me a joke."
"Ladies..." he pressed.
Jules whispered in his ear and Ben laughed a little, "Nice, I would've never guessed." He let us out and we carried on walking to our classes, "What class do you have next?" Jules asked.
"Today is Thursday so, I have Gym."
"So do I."
I hugged her quickly, "Thank God for you Jules."
It was the track unit this time, great. I hated running. Jules and I walked out onto the track and took our places on the first and second track. Marcus and one of his friends were lined up behind us as we started running, "I really wish you could leave me alone." I told Marcus.
"Too bad, Darling. Like I said. You're mine, and I didn't like the way you and Mr. Tim were getting along."
"Ew! Are you kidding me? He's my teacher. I already slept with you, why would I bring more shame down upon me." Julianna laughed at my statement as we sped up to get away from them, "Listen to me, we're going to run out when the class ends. Just follow me okay."
"What? What are you up to?"
"Just do as I say. You'll see."
I could hear Marcus coming up on my heals, "What did you say slut?" Slut? Did that ugly and disgusting hairy little thing called me a slut? I whipped around to slap him but Jules caught my arm, "Not yet. Remember to follow me out."
So I kept running. Trying my best to keep ignoring his horrible words that seemed to beat me. The whistle blew and Jules took a sharp turn for the gate, "If you want her, try and catch her you stupid, meat headed, ball throwing, assholes!" Jules screamed.
I stopped and she pushed me to run again, "Go. Go ahead of me!" I started running and made it through the gate. Jules did too and swung it closed before Marcus noticed and slammed into it, I turned around to see Marcus on the ground, holding himself between his legs and Jules ran up to me, taking my hand as we laughed the rest of the way back inside. We dipped into the locker room and we burst out in laughter before all of the others came in
"Jules, you're my hero."
"Hurry, lets get dressed before they come in."
After we left the locker room, I decided not to go to the next class, Marcus would be there and I didn't want any confrontation.
"Going to the theater again are we?" she asked.
"I'm skipping my next class. He will be there and I don't want to be near him."
"You cant hide from him forever."
"I know. I just like the silence." I admitted.
"Fine." She sat in the middle of the stage, pulling out her books from her bag.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"I'm skipping class with you."
"Not here. I don't stay down here because sometimes Mr. Rinehart comes in to check. Follow me."
I led her up the stairs to the lighting catwalk.
"I can see why you like this place so much. The view is perfect." She sat and started to catch up on her homework. "Thank you Jules."
"For what?" She asked.
"For standing up for me today and the last time."
"That's what friends are for."

Benedict and reader : Choir Girl Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt