Dress Up

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Ben took the phone and dialed the number. It wasn't long until the workers came in and unloaded all of the equipment he ordered for the back yard.
"I know its none of my business but...how can you afford all of this on a teacher's salary?" I asked.
Ben turned around and kissed my forehead, "I have a large inheritance from my great grandparents."
"Oh." I said blushing from the kiss he planted upon my head. He took my hand as he went to help some of the men empty the bags of tan dirt for the landscaping. "Lets help the men, darling. Jules has already decided to feed them when they get hungry."
I giggled, it sounded like Jules too.
One of the men looked over at us emptying the bags of dirt, "Oh, you don't have to do that. We can take care of it." The man protested.
"Nonsense. It will give us something to do anyway." Ben said to him. Jules came out with a tray iced tea for the men, setting it on the patio.
"Jules, come and help us empty these things for these guys." Ben told her as he emptied another back, getting some on his green shirt.
"Fine." Jules came round and started helping us. Eventually the pile in front of you was fairly high and I looked over at Jules who had a handful of dirt in her hands. I shook my head at her but she only smiled and threw it in Ben's face. He just stood there for a moment, processing what he was going to do with his ruthless niece.
"Seriously, Jules?" he looked over at her with his now dirty face. Jules started laughing at the expression on his face.
"Oh, that's funny?"
Jules nodded, holding her stomach from the laughter. Ben picked her up and tossed her in the massive pile of soil, "Uncle Ben! That was mean!" she laughed out.
"Yeah your statement is believable."
He heard me snicker behind him and he turned around, "Darling." he smiled at me.
I immediately stopped smiling when I witnessed the look upon his handsome face. "Wont you go and help Jules out of the pile?"
"HA! Not a chance-OOF!" Ben pulled me close and I collided into his chest. "Benedict, don't."
"Don't do what?" he asked nearing closer to the pile of soil that Jules was still trying to get out of.
"No, Ben. Stop!" He went to toss me too but I held onto his shirt and he went down into the dirt with me, laughing the whole time. The workers looked on, they didn't know whether to stop us from ruining the dirt or watch us curiously.
"Ben! How could you?" I rolled over on top of him to look into those sapphire eyes. He smiled up at me but I scooped some dirt over his face to hide it.
"Ah! (y/n). Stop it, its getting in my mouth!"
"That is what you get for pushing me and Jules into the dirt." I stood helping Jules out of the pile.
"Haha! Look at him!" Jules pointed to her uncle struggling to get out of the pile. He looked like a turtle over turned on his shell.
"(y/n). please help me out." he pleaded.
"Nah, you don't need my help." I sneered.
"Come on (y/n)." he said giving me a pouty face.
I rolled my eyes, "Alright, fine." I held out my hand and he pulled me back down onto his stomach.
"I cant help you if you keep tricking me like this." I pinched his side.
"Ow! You enjoy my tricks."
"We have only been together a day, how would you know if I like your tricks?"
"Because you are smiling like a Cheshire cat." he kissed me and I helped him up. Ben looked at all of the men that stood there with their mouths open,
"Sorry about that. Carry on." he walked back into the house with Jules and I giggling behind him.
"Jules, how about you accompany (y/n) to her house so she can change into some clean clothes."
"Okay." both of us headed out the door and I led Jules through the back roads. I lived three blocks from Ben's house, it wasn't too much of a hassle. I opened the door to my parents house to see them bustling about in the kitchen, "(Y/n) is that you, dear? Where have you been?"
"I spent the night at my friend's house mother. I am going to stay another night if that is okay with you?"
"Oh yeah. That is fine dear."
I took Jules' hand and led her upstairs to my bedroom, "Oh, my God." She uttered.
"Your room is incredible."
"Oh. It is?" I looked around your room. It looked like a typical teen room to me. Then again my parents hired a designer to make my room look nice. I was used to it. My bed had a vintage iron frame with a pink comforter with different patchwork designs upon it. I had a couch next to a window and a book shelf filled to the top with books against Damask wallpapered walls. A birdcage chandelier hung over the room looking down at a beautiful Persian rug. The whole room had a bohemian feel to it.
The atmosphere was warm and inviting, like stepping into a hiding place. That is what I loved about my room. You could hide in it and resort to my own world of peace and silence.
"Hell yeah. Have you seen it? It is gorgeous."
"Thanks." I smiled. "Feel free to make yourself at home, I'm going to take a shower."
"Take your time."
(y/n) shut the door to her bathroom and I kept looking around the room, I was afraid to sit anywhere because I was still dirty from our soil fight earlier. I just drank in the ambiance of the room. I dint know that her parents were rolling in money. Why didn't she tell me this? Was she ashamed? The urge to snoop was too tempting, the room was too beautiful to leave be, I opened her closet and gasped,
"Oh. I'm going to have fun looking through this stuff." I snickered. I started sifting through the clothes. Some of the shirts and dresses still had the tags on them, thirty dollars for a dress? What?! I bet she never even worn it. I pulled it off of the rack and looked at it, this would so look good on her.
I only saw her in cute outfits with jeans and such, why not a dress? It would be a treat for my uncle to see her in a dress. It was a cute, long sleeved black dress with a fluffy skirt. I paired it with a paisley scarf and her oxford flats that were sitting all alone, brand new. I shook my head. She was a rich girl who didn't know what she had.
It was staggering, it just made me realize how much she believed she was worth, not much. I wanted to punch Marcus for making her feel that way.
"What are you doing?" (y/n) asked as she came out in a robe with her hair wet. I looked up from y outfit that I had created for her, satisfied.
"Oh. You're wearing this." I pointed to the dress upon the bed. She gave it one look and shook her head, "No. I don't like dresses."
"Then why do you buy them?"
"I used to be a shopoholic in my past. I used to grab whatever looked good and never end up wearing them." she confessed.
"Well, I know my uncle loves a woman in a fine dress. Please let me dress you. I promise you wont regret it." I pleaded. She huffed out a breath and nodded, "Fine."
"Yay!" I clapped my hands. "I'm going to leave you to get dressed. Oh! I am borrowing some of those clothes sometime." I went to leave. (y/n) stopped me from leaving, "Just take a shower here. My parents wont care."
"Okay. Pick me an out fit too?" I asked.
"Of course." she giggled. I ended up closing the door and washed up.
I picked out an outfit that Jules could keep, I didn't care if she had a few clothes I never worn. I set her outfit just outside the bathroom door and slipped into the dress she had picked out for me, "Wow." It still fit me, I picked this dress out for homecoming my freshman year but I ended up buying another dress because I changed my mind.
I stepped into my shoes and draped my scarf around my neck. I took one final look in the mirror, was this me? I heard Jules open the door and take the clothes into the room with her. We blow dried our hair and made up our faces, I took an over night bag with extra clothes so I wouldn't be in this dress all night. We headed back out and walked the street towards Ben's house
"Uh Oh." I spotted a certain someone that was following us from afar, "Don't look now, Marcus is stalking us."
Jules looked about the neighborhood and spotted another guy coming towards us, "Excuse me?" she got the boy's attention, "Yes?"
"I'm sorry to trouble you but could you walk with us until we reach the next block. Her ex boyfriend is stalking her." she pointed to the guy walking towards us.
"Yeah, okay." he smiled at Jules with interest in his eyes. She noticed and took his arm as we walked.
"I am so sorry for this, what is your name by the way?" she asked. The guy smiled a pearly white grin.
"Milo. And don't be sorry, I'd be happy to escort two pretty ladies to their home."
"Well, thank you."
Milo glanced at me and had to do a double take, "Did that Jackass back there do that to you?" he asked.
"Unfortunately." I replied.
"Let me know if he comes near either of you again and I'll kick his ass for you." he said with a bit of concern in his irritated voice. Milo was a tall guy and had a lot more muscle than Marcus. I smirked at the thought of Milo and Marcus fighting.
"I'll keep that in mind. Thanks."
"No problem." he said leaving us both at the door.
"Wait." Jules stopped him from leaving. "We need your number just in case we need a body guard for next time." Jules flirted.
He smiled at her statement and pulled out his phone, "You're smooth. What is your name so I can enter your number?"
"Jules." she told him her number and stuffed it in his pockets, "I'll text you later Jules."
"Good. I'll be waiting."
I pulled her into the house as we giggled at what just happened. "Is it just me or is Milo one tall drink of water?" Jules asked.
"He is gorgeous." I agreed.
"Who is Gorgeous? Oh, wow. Look at you." Ben walked in the living room on hearing us come in. he stopped dead in his tracks when he spotted me in my dress, "I think I know who you were referring to now."

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