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He squeezed me tightly, returning my hug and every bit of anger seemed to vanish out of thin air, "He should've never touched you." he whispered. I whimpered into his neck, trying to keep from crying. I was exhausted. My nerves were shot and my hands trembled. He took my cold fingers in his hands and kissed them, trying to slow the shakiness that tormented them.
I didn't object. I watched as he kissed both hands eagerly. I fell back into his embrace again, he was so warm, I must have been such a cold and trembling thing against him. He rested his chin on the top of my head, "Please let me help you."
"Okay." I said against his chest. His arms fell to his sides and he led me back to the car and we drove off.
"How are you feeling?" he asked.
"A bit better, thank you." I said almost whispering.
"I'll send Jules to check on you after school, if that is alright with you."
"Do your parents even know what is going on?"
"They are never home to even ask how my day at school is. My dad is head of a computer company and my mom is his assistant. They have parties and dinners every night and hardly ever come home."
"I'm so sorry, (y/n). I never knew."
"Its okay, it is normal in my house to be alone."
"Why would they stay away from their own child?" he asked. He was astonished.
"We have some family times together but its mostly with their associates when they come to the house."
"Well, you are welcome in my house any time you like, (y/n). Whenever the loneliness is too much for you." I looked at him with such a thankful face. No one has ever done that for me.
"Thank you."
"Do you want to stay with Jules and I for the night?" he asked. I nodded slowly, thinking about the decision.
"Alright. I'll let you stay in Jules' room tonight."
He turned a corner and started driving to his house.
My exhaustion took over me and I leaned back in the seat, trying to keep my eyes open. He looked over and chuckled.
"Wake up, milady. We're here."
I opened the door and he ushered me inside and up the stairs. "Make yourself at home, dear. We will be home soon enough." he sat me down on the bed and quietly left the room. I closed my eyes, absorbing the silence of the room, eventually falling onto the pillow and falling asleep.
"(y/n). Hey. Wake up. Dinner is ready if you want some." Jules' gentle voice awakened me. I opened my (e/c) eyes to see her smiling down at me. I sat up from the bed and leaned over with my head in my hands. My head throbbed so bad I thought my head would explode. Jules helped me up from the bed, "How are you?" she asked, brushing my (h/c) hair away to see the welt on my face. Her eyes widened and she hugged me, "I should've been there."
"No. Jules, its okay-"
"Clearly it isn't. I should've known he would do something like this after what happened this morning."
"Jules. This isn't your fault." I clasped her shoulders, "This happened because I spoke up for myself... I'm glad what I said to him."
"Uncle Ben has decided to go to the superintendent anyway. He does not like Rinehart at all."
" I Don't blame him."
"Come on, you look hungry." I followed Jules down the stairs and Ben greeted us out on the porch, the bonfire was lit and two boxes of pizza sat on the nearby table.
"Hey there sleepy head." he said with a smile and handed me a plate. I sat down near the fire, pulling my sweater closer to me. "Are you cold, (y/n)?" he asked.
"A little." I said quietly. Benedict left the porch to get a blanket from the living room. "There you are." he said draping it over my shoulders.
"Thank you." Jules sat next to me with a plate and Ben looked at both of us from across the dancing flames. The fire lit up his eyes like blue sapphires, the light casting dark shadows on his sculpted cheekbones. He looked like an ingenious creation. A Statue.
"Did you sleep well?" he asked me. I nodded.
"Yes, I did. Thank you."
"You're very welcome."
"No. I mean really, thank you both for helping me. No one has ever defended me in school like you both have. I'm very thankful I have friends like you."
"Its about time you had a pair of good friends by your side." Jules confessed. "No one should fight alone."
"What is going to happen next week? Marcus is still going to be upset with me."
Ben shifted in his chair, "Oh, no. We will not talk about the situation that has passed. Its time for some relaxation." he pulled out his violin, leaned over and looked at me, "Worrying is not allowed here." he set his bow to the strings and such heavenly music poured out of the notes that were played.
I closed my eyes, absorbing the music that vibrated from the strings. The high and low pitches seemed to vanish in the air like smoke. Benedict looked like he was at home with the lovely wooden thing upon his shoulder. His eyes fluttered as if he had been kissed, the movements of his arms as smooth as the air caressing my face in the breeze of the evening.
He looked so much at peace, I loved the look on his flawless face. My heart felt a bit disappointed when the song ended, my breath hitched, "That was lovely."
"Thank you."
"Where did you learn to play so beautifully?" I asked. He set down his instrument and smoothed his shirt, "My grandfather taught me how to play when I was about seven years old."
"You look so happy when you play."
"Yes. It is my therapy." he said with a chuckle.
"That is incredible."
Julianna seemed to vanish from our conversation, she had left us again for us to be alone, "Well, I didn't expect that." I uttered to myself.
"Expect what?" he asked curiously.
"To be abandoned, Jules decided to watch television." I pulled the blanket closer to me, trying to cocoon myself in its warmth.
"Is that a bad thing?" he asked with a soft smile. I looked up and blushed, such a lovely smile. He came over and sat next to me, "Why are you so shy?" he asked leaning over to meet my eyes. I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know."
"I think I do." he crooned playfully.
"Oh?" I teased back.
He smiled, "Its because you like what you see but you're too afraid to test the waters."
"The waters?" I asked.
"Treacherous, is how you see it but in reality. It is quite peaceful."
"And how do I know this?" I leaned in slowly.
"The only way to find to jump in." his lips lingered closer, his cupid's bow artistically carved into his lips. His breath feathered over my face, did I really want this to happen?
Her eyes were full of curiosity and confusion, I didn't want to do anything until she approved. I could see her slowly blooming from that closed bud of hers, ready to see what would happen but too scared of it as well. Her face slowly changing from restrain to desire, her posture straightened and released her insecurity.
Come on my dear, (y/n). Trust me, I will not hurt you, don't you believe me? Such a gorgeous young thing, battered and bruised for the whole world to see. Please don't pull away from my outstretched hand, let me see that glimmer of trust in those eyes. Those big (y/n) eyes, so full of fright and wonder, like a doe lost in the woods.
Come to me, let me see that you believe me. Her breathing hitched as she took in a breath, sitting back to take another look. Making sure she had made the right decision, it seemed as if there was a war going in inside her both parts of her trying to make an agreement.
She leaned in a bit closer, but where was that look of trust about her face? I looked up to see that gleam playing about in the reflection of her (e/c) orbs. Yes! Yes, she trusted me. Without hesitation, she finally filled the gap between us. Happily quenching my thirsty lips.
I was engulfed with disbelief and excitement. I didn't know whether I should pull away or keep going, his kiss was so sweet. So gentle like the singing notes of his violin. I never felt like this before, all of the worry and hurt melted away from me for the first time.
I didn't want it to end. This was too amazing to let go. Our lips departed and we heard a stifled giggle come from the door to the house, "Its about time." Julianna laughed.
"Stalker." I taunted.
"Ha! The only one stalking is going to be that tall drink of water right there." she joked, pointing to Ben.
"Very funny, Jules." he replied.
"Thank you very much. Speaking of funny, I have rounded up all of the comedy movies you have. You both are welcome to join me unless you want to stay there in the cold, sucking on each other's faces." she shrugged. I couldn't help but blush and cover my face. Ben laughed seeing me,
"Look what you've done, Jules. You made her as red as a tomato." he tried taking my hands from my face. "Don't hide that pretty face from me." he said taking my hands from my face and kissing my cheeks.
"S-stop!" I said in a stifled laugh. His lips persisted, his stubble tickling my cheeks. I pushed on his shoulders to keep him from continuing. He looked at me, I was a red faced mess. Thanks Benedict. Jules rolled her eyes and returned to the living room.
"Aw." he laughed out. "Poor, (y/n). can you not handle your own cuteness?" he asked. I hid my face again, crippled by the giddy laughter that seemed to consume me. He stood and scooped me up in his arms, carrying me back into the house.
"What are you doing uncle Benny?" Jules asked him, witnessing the whole charade as he walked in.
"It seems that her sides are splitting so bad that she couldn't move. So, I helped her." He said with a goofy grin upon his face. I looked up at him when my happy laughter subsided, unaware that my face was throbbing the whole time.
"Oh! Your face looks like its swelling again." He placed me down on a stool near the counter and pawed through the freezer for some ice. He gathered a few cubes and dropped them in a plastic bag, covering them with a towel. "Here you go. Does that feel better?" he asked placing it on my face.
"Yes." I nodded. "Thank you, Ben."
"Let's watch a movie with Jules." he took my hand and led me to the couch, Jules sat comfortably on the floor in her nest of blankets and pillows.
"What are we watching?" I asked.
"The Lorax."
"I love this movie." I jumped a little where I sat in excitement while Ben cuddled me closer in his arms. I didn't pull away, it felt right. I felt at home in those long, strong arms of his. He didn't let go while we watched the movie, he laid there stroking my hair and giving me a kiss on the forehead occasionally.
Neither of them knew that a few tears escaped my eyes, I felt precious in his embrace and it took everything in my heart to keep from wailing like a child. I meant something to him, I was special. Me?
I squeezed him tighter, making sure he was still real. He tensed underneath me and shifted a little on the couch. He took in a deep breath and his chest fell as he exhaled. I took in his scent upon his shirt...Mint and Leather. I drank it in, addicted the moment it filled my nose.
I buried my face in his chest and he tensed again, "What are you doing there, love?" he asked.
"I'm cuddling."
"You're moving quite a bit."
"Does it bother you?" I asked. He shook his head in protest, "No, I just thought your face might have been hurting again."
"No. I feel much better." I looked up at him with smiling eyes, my hair spread out against his torso. He looked down at me as if he were looking at a painting, admiring the expression I had on my face. Bliss.
"I'm glad to hear that."
The movie ended and Jules went upstairs to get ready for bed, Ben and I seemed to pause in the silence of the room. We didn't want to leave the couch, we were too comfortable. He started rubbing my back in small circles and I hummed with satisfaction, "Are you tired yet?" he asked. I shook my head and he chuckled, hugging me closer.
"I hope Jules doesn't feel left out."
"No, she's the one that wanted us together." he sifted his long fingers through my (h/c) locks. My eyes started growing heavier as he carried on with stroking my hair and back. I finally started drifting on the edge of a heavenly sleep. He looked down at my sleeping form and smiled, "I guess we're sleeping here then."
He carefully kicked off his shoes and pulled a blanket over us, "Goodnight, my darling." he kissed my head and fell asleep.
I woke up to the sound of pans banging together and the smell of breakfast in the kitchen. "Good morning!" Jules yelled from the kitchen. I buried my face in the couch and reached for Ben but there was nothing but a blanket. I sat up and looked over into the kitchen and sure enough he was standing at the stove, making pancakes.
"Jules, leave her alone. She's had a hard day yesterday." he told his niece.
"She's already up, genius."
"I wonder why." he said sarcastically, flipping the last pancake in the pan. "Come and get it, love." I stood from the couch and sat at the counter. Did last night actually happen? Did we both sleep together on the couch? He set a plate in front of Jules and I and we quietly ate.
"So, ladies. What do we want to do today?"
"Don't you mean what you and (y/n) want to do today?" she asked a bit snobby. I looked at her a bit apologetically. I knew she felt weird around us. She looked at me and smiled, "I'm kidding. Lighten up, (y/n)."
"I was thinking we could call in the yard specialists and we could help them." he said trying to make it sound more appealing than it really was. Jules gagged at the idea, "Boring."
"Oh come on. (y/n), what do you think? Make the decision final." he asked.
"The back yard does look a bit sad." I agreed with Ben. Of course I didn't want to work on the yard but it really did need help. "I have to go with Ben on this one. It looks a mess."
"But we'll get dirty and...ew." Jules shivered.
"Well, winter is on its way and if we don't do it soon, then you wont have a garden the next spring. Plus, most of the workers will be doing it. You don't want to see sweaty workmen in your backyard, Jules?" Ben persisted. Jules thought a moment and picked up the phone, "Call them before I change my mind."

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