Despised fears

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Hanabi would always despise any weakness she has. Training long and hard whenever she would find a hole in her attacks and defences as well as her skills. She would always find a way on how to outdo her childhood rival.

She would despise how they would manage a tie every spar and every challenges. May it be serious or just for gags.

Hanabi also despises the feeling she would feel whenever her time was spent with Hayabusa outside spars and trainings, she despises how she actually enjoys their minimal time together as ‘friends’ she would at times scold her self for being distracted and remind herself of her duties and goals.

Yet... She forgets all when she was with him.

There’s also one thing Hanabi despises. Fear. Fear of many things, from minor details to major ones.

For example, one of her despised fear is of the aching feeling in her chest she once mistook as an illness upon observation of her childhood rival together with his ‘master' Kagura. The young umbrella-wielding beauty that has captured Hayabusa's heart. No fool could ignore how Hayabusa looks at the pale beauty Kagura has. Or how gentle and graceful she is.

Hanabi would often find her comparing herself to Kagura from her physical appearance to how graceful the young heiress was to her.

Hanabi lastly despises how she fears that she may have lost someone that really isn’t hers...


Short and crappy... I apologise...

I'll try to make up for it!!!


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