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Nightmare sighed, "I was.... attacked by other skeletons, they're technically alternate versions of me, most of us all are named Sans, I'm not one of those ones though. Anyway, they were from fell universes, and since I don't normally look like this, they decided to take advantage of the fact that I can't decent my self and attacked me. I managed to open a portal and get through before they did any real damage. One of them only managed to hit my arm with a bone." He lived his arm, gesturing to his wound.

My feet began to feel pins and needles, making me realize we were still sitting on the floor. I began to stand, and once I was on my feet, held out a hand to help Nightmare up. With us both standing, I saw that he was about the same height as me. If we stood back to back and place a ruler on our heads you be able to see I was ever-so-slightly taller than him.

"Well, do you think you could open another portal and go home? I doubt you wanna stay here." Nightmare pause for a moment bore holding his and in front of his chest, a dark purple apple floated just above his hand.  After a few moments of silence the apple disappeared and  let out another sigh. "Not yet, my HP is too low, but I should be able to tomorrow."

What...?  "HP? And in Heath points? I thought that was just a thing in video games. Also, what was that apple lookin' thing?"

"Firstly, yes, HP as is health points, where I'm from, everyone has and HP, attack, defense and things like that. Secondly, the apple was my SOUL, most monster SOULs are just white upside down hearts, and all human SOULs and normal hearts but have some sort of color depending on their SOUL type. I'm not normally the one to explain this, it's usually an evil yellow flower that wants to kill everyone."



"I'm not gonna ask......."


Yay! 341 words! I know, it's short, I didn't know what to do today

Nightmare sans x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now