Thoughts and being stuck

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Y/n's POV~~~~~
I woke up to light shining on my face, letting out a soft groan, I sit up and look next to me. Nightmare is sleeping peacefully, He looks so cute when he's asleep..... I feel my face heat up when I realize the thought that just ran through my head. Shaking the blush away and slid off the bed, only for my feet to hid the freezing floor and my body to be hit with a wave of cold air.

I shudder and quickly put my slippers on before grabbing my jacket off the back of my desk chair. Exiting my room I see my parents rushing around. "What are doing?" My voice was unsteady and tired. "Trying to find the keys to your dad car so we can leave." Oh yeah,y parents had a two month business trip and I was going to be home alone  while they're gone. "Did you check the top drawer of the hutch?" "AH HAH! THANKS PUMPKIN!" "Dad, don't tell we have a guest remember?" "Oh, that was real?"

I sighed as I made my way to the kitchen to make breakfast for Nightmare and myself. "By sweetie! See you in two months! Love you!" "Bye mom! Love you too!" I heard the door close as I reach on top of the fridge to get the egg cooker.

NM's POV~~~~~
I woke up to the smell of something being cooked. I sit up and look around, trying to remember what happened. Let's see.... I was attacked, ended up in a strangers house, she let me stay the night so my main could replenish itself..... I had a night terror...... And she comforted me...... And I ended up in her bed..... Jeez. I wake out of Y/n's room and follow the smell of food the the kitchen to see her putting a yellowish sauce on something? I saw some sort of bread like thing? With some sort of meat? And a white patty??? She had two plate of it, each with a knife and fork

"Morning Nightmare! I made breakfast!"

I could help but smile at her kindness, "thanks! But, uhh, what is it?" I tried not to sound rude. "Eggs Benedict" I still had no idea what it was. "Don't worry just try it. Unless... Your not allergic to eggs right?" " Hehe, no I don't have any food allergies"

She set the two plates down  and we began yo eat, make in small conversation but nothing to interesting. After we finished she walked off the her room, not knowing what to do I followed to see what she was doing.

She was digging through her closet before pulling out a men's T-shirt that looked too big for her, "here" She through the shirt at me and started digging through her dresser before throwing a pair of grey sweat pants at me. "You can wear those until your clothes are washed, and don't worry, those are girl's pants, I bought them in the men's department."

She walked over to a laundry basket that had some clothes in it, mine where on top, "when you change just toss the dirty clothes in the hamper." She left and closed the door to give me privacy. I decided to change in her bathroom instead of the middle of her room in case she walked in.

Once I changed I walked pit to her living room so she could get dressed. Only then I noticed that her parents weren't home. I sat down on her couch and waited for her to be done changing so I could ask about them.

Her door opened and I completely forgot what I wanted to ask. I don't know why, but my eyes locked onto her, the entire world disappeared and all I saw was her. She wore a dress that was black at the top but the bottom what a white place color

 She wore a dress that was black at the top but the bottom what a white place color

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