Late Night Kindess

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Nightmare's POV
Well, Y/n's, parents are strangely ok with a skeleton sleeping in the same room as their teenage daughter. I let a sigh escape my mouth as I sat down on the edge of Y/n's bed waiting for her to finish getting changed. I had already changed into some clothes she had given me, but I didn't have anything to do. She had lots of books but they're hers.... I should mess with her stuff.

I heard the door to her bathroom click, signal in she was done. I sat up and smiled at her, she convinced her parents to let me stay for the night so I shouldn't be a drag. Though, she.....i don't even know, her kindness to a complete stranger, and her smile.....they shower no signs of threat. Her hospitality was genuine, it made me feel warm.

"You ok?"

I was snapped back in to reality by Y/n's voice, only to see her sitting next to me with concern prominent in her eyes. "Yeah, sorry, I just...spaced out is all." Ly eyes we're drawn to her sleep wear, a blue tank top with white letters saying 'I'M OUT OF BED, what more do you want?' That matched her blue white and grey plaid pants and a pair of bunny slippers.

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She looked kind cute

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She looked kind cute. WAIT! NO! SHE'S A TEENAGER!!!! I CAN'T THINK LIKE THAT!!!

"Well, it's good to know you're ok, oh, by the way, you can sleep on the top bunk" I nodded as we both got up, I walked to the steps of that were on the side of the bed and she went to turn of the lights. I crawled under the comforter as Y/n walked back to her bed in the darkness. After saying good night a quickly drifted to sleep.

Y/n's POV
I laid in bed on my phone, not really tired enough to go to sleep, but Nightmare seemed rather tired so I didn't want to keep him up, plus he needs rest for his arm to heal. I browsed trough YouTube and watched a few videos but nothing really captured my attention. I started texting my friend about random things and before I knew it, it was midnight! And my friend had stopped responding. She probably fell asleep. I turned my phone of and rolled onto my side when I heard Nightmare sit up gasping, which caused the bed to squeak slightly, but I also heard what sounded like crying.

Getting up I climbed the small steps and sat on the top bunk. " ok?" "Ni-ight-terr-or" His voice was shaky and his words were broken up by his sobs. Which I noticed his tears were a glowing lavender color. "Do you wanna talk about it?" I wrapped an arm around him. He shook his head no as he latched onto me. "Do you wanna go down to the bottom bunk until you've calmed down?" He nodded with his head buried in me neck.

I sat with him on me bed l, leaning against my pillows, as I rubbed circles on his back in hopes of soothing him. Soon I felt him go limp and his breath in steady. I knew that if I tried to take him to the top bunk I'd injure one of us so I got up to let him have the bottom bed. However as I tried to move away, Nightmare gripped my arm, as if he were subconsciously asking me to stay.

A smile spread across my lios as I layed back down next to the skeleton. Once my wait was on the bed next to him, he snuggled into me and I felt my self easily drift into slumber

Nightmare sans x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now