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... I don't even know where to begin. 

Not enough apologising will make up for going completely off radar for almost a year, leaving this book unfinished and every one of you probably planning my funeral lol. I have a explaination though - actually a few. 

1; I had a baby. Yep, a little human. Born on September 2nd 2019. She was early too. Adding her into our little family has been amazing but with having a 2 year old, almost 3, it's been tough. There's been days where I haven't brushed my hair, got dressed and forgot too eat so trying to sit down and write seemed impossible. 

2; I spend just over 3 months of my pregnancy in hospital. From June 4th until my baby being born, I was hospitalised with illnesses and previous to that I could barely get out of bed. I had hyperemesis gravidarum which is basically extremely severe sickness that lasted morning, noon and night. I won't bore you all with details, but it was bad. 

3; During all of the above, I changed jobs and became self-employed. 

So... I reallyyyyyy hope that you can all put down the pitchforks, baseball bats and any other weapon that you've grabbed now you've seen I've updated and it still isn't a chapter. I thought I needed to come and explain myself before jumping back in. Not going to lie, I also just want to see if anyone is still reading this or is still interested? I do have a chapter to post right away, but I am keeping everything crossed that there is still some readers that haven't given up hope because believe me - the best is yet to come. 

The biggest amount of love xoxo

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