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The Autumn season hit hard, turning the summers green leaves into a vibrant orange, it also seemed to be the season for going on dates, as Jasmine quickly found out. Peter, James, Remus, Regulus and Narcissa all had one lined up for Hogsmeade, but what confused many of Hogwarts students was why Siruis Black didn't?

All the Gryffindors answered with a simple name.
"Jasmine Granger."

Siruis was a mess, ever since he found out Lily had caved and said yes to going out with his best mate James, he had frantically been trying to come up with the perfect way to ask Jazzy out.

But it was getting to the point where he was just tempted to stand on the Gryffindor table at breakfast and bellow it out.

Of course he couldn't actually do that, but it was still tempting.

Jasmine, however, was perfectly content with spending time with her father, even as the nerves ate her away while they approached the quidditch pitch.

Remus grinned to himself as James reassured her that all he needed her to do was toss a ball at him- and that it didn't require much skill. What James didn't know was that Jasmine had been the youngest chaser in a century in her time, but thanks to Siruis, Remus did.

"Prongs," He began quietly, once he had decided if he didn't tell the boy now, he would burst, "Have you asked Jazzy if she's ever played quidditch?"

Jas shot him a glare as the boy in question froze mid gesture. "Oh, er- Have you?"

"Uhm... a little."

"She was captian in her sixth year and was the youngest player in a century."

James' jaw fell as Jasmines cheeks heated up. "First of all- I was co-captian, second, Harry was technically the youngest player in a century since I was born first-"

"What position?" James blurted out in excitement, practically jumping for joy.

"Wha-? Oh, I played chaser and Harry played seeker, he's only ever lossed two matches if I remember correctly, one in third year because someone scared the living daylights out of him in the form of a rather large dog-"

James snorted and Remus frowned contemplatively,

"-And the other was because stupid Cormac Mclaggen, the git, thought he could do everybody elses jobs better. He couldn't by the way, Ron clearly beat him in the tryouts, even if Hermione used a confundus charm. Arrogant too he was, served him right when he ate the dragons balls and vomited on Snapes shoes at Slughorns party, got detention right through Christmas."

"I have so many questions." James stated faintly, eyebrows crawling through his hair.

"Ask away."


"You're joking!"

"Well I'm not exactly Siruis."

"You fought a troll in the bathroom- when you were eleven?"

Jasmine beamed while nodding her head enthusiastically. "Yep- and in our second year we flew a enchanted car into the Whomping Willow, and we fought a Basilisk with Godric Gryffindors sword, and we brewed (Well Hermione mostly) a polyjuice potion illegally the same year to interrogate a Slytherin- Narcissa's son actually- Draco. Dracos a stuck up sod but Cecily was alright, even then, she saved me and Harry's life and lied right to Voldemorts face-"

"Woah woah, slow down. I really need to get a whole picture on this." The Gryffindor chaser mumbled, rubbing his temples.

They had finished their game of quidditch an hour ago, arguing somewhat who the better Chaser was. Despite her bashfulness earlier James saw how competitive she got quickly, something she reminded him of Lily because.

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