See You Again

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My face held no emotion and Jisoo was still looking outside, looking nonchalant about it but I know she's listening. She's always listening.

"I-" she sighed and fiddled with her fingers, "I'm sorry for asking her something so personal."

"I didn't know that it would make you feel like this," she continued. "I didn't know you don't like it when people invade your privacy and life. So I'm sorry. I should've known that it was wrong,"

Her eyes still wouldn't meet mine and I sighed when Jisoo looked at me accusingly, urging me to speak.

"Why did you do it?" I sipped my coffee and feel myself loosen up more even after the phone call.

"W-what?" She stuttered and that's when she finally looked at me. Her eyes were so sad and it almost looked teary.

I was about to repeat my question when she removed her gaze from me. "I-" her eyes met mine and her next words made my stomach flip. " Because I just wanted to see you again."

On my peripheral, I saw Jisoo smile while sipping her tea and my stomach did a second flip.


My best friend's eyes rolled when she heard me but I paid no attention to her.

"My- My sides still hurt because of what you did to me."

Jisoo's eyes widened. I knew it. She couldn't keep up the 'I don't give a shit and deal with your own problems act' and she'll butt in on the conversation sooner or later.

"Did what?  Your sides hurt because of Jennie?" She turned to me and smirked, "You bitch. What did you do?"

Her mind sometimes boggles me. It needs some cleaning from being too green.

"Stupid. Remember the accident?"

She nodded and so I continued while motioning to the girl beside her. "She's the one who I hit."

Jisoo's eyes widened and checked if she had any bruises or scars. "I'm sorry my bitch of a friend was so reckless in driving,"

She smiled and waved her hand dismissively, "It's okay-"

"Do you want to file a lawsuit against her?" I rolled my eyes at her suggestion.

"I- what?" Her eyes then darted from her to me, "Are you guys okay? Is your friendship forced or something?"

"No. No, it's nothing like that, but do you want to? I could be your lawyer." She gave her a grin and the person beside her flushed in embarrassment.

"Do you want to add more cases on your desk, Jisoo? I could gladly give it you without paying you," I said while mock dialing on my phone. Her eyes widened for a moment before she smiled at me. She moved her chair farther away from her and leaned close to me.

"Or we could sue her, instead."

We both heard a 'pffft' and I thought it was some kind of a fart, Jisoo's eyes and mine widened before looking at the her.

She was grinning and her eyes were shining while looking at us. Then it dimmed not soon after.

"I wish I had that kind of friendship with anyone,"

Jisoo didn't see the change of mood in her that she suddenly shuddered. "Then be my guest and take this person away from me."

She smiled and stood up, went to my side and took my hand. "Gladly." Then dragged me away from Jisoo who was silently laughing and waving her hand at us.

I woke from my trance and tried to stop her from walking, but I was too small and probably weaker than her that she didn't even budge.

"Wait, where are we going? I have a job to do!"

"Jisoo would take care of it. Besides, you're something big in that company, right?"

I was about to ask her how did she know when she stopped infront of a vintage black car.

"Tada!" She jiggled her hands infront of it while grinning at me. "Say hello to my baby."

She opened the car door and motioned me to go inside before she jogged to the driver's seat.

She saw me looking around and her grin disappeared from her face. "Is it okay? I'm sorry for this." She asked shyly while rubbing the back of her neck.

"It's cute," like you, but I swallowed that thought away.

She smiled while dusting off the dashboard, "Yeah?"

I nodded and inhaled the faint sweet smell of perfume lingering on her car. It reminds me of spring.

Sunny and warm.

Just like her.

She started the engine and it sputtered for a few moments before it came to life. "I know it doesn't look and sound that much but once it's powered up, it'll be a smooth ride."

I glanced at her and my heart tripled in speed when her face was too close on mine. Her eyes darted to my lips and she bit her soft and plump ones. I saw her getting closer and I leaned on the car seat, trying to get as much needed space as I coul.

But she kept inching closer.

Then I heard something click.

Relief washed over me when she moved to her seat and patted my left thigh, "Safety first," she said grinning.

I scoffed while trying to even out my breathing. "I could do it myself you know."

"Yeah. But I could do it too. And besides, you're too slow."

I just rolled my eyes in response and looked outside. I saw a couple of people walking through the busy streets but two people caught my attention when the car stopped to a red light.

I stare at them and saw the man slowly fix his tie and messing his hair multiple times before deciding to make it look more natural. I also saw him clenching his hands and shaking them while breathing hard. He was looking around, finding for someone or something.

Then it clicked to me.

After a while, I decided to look away but not before I noticed that the man's wearing a huge grin on his face and his arms were open.


I averted my gaze from him and looked at the person beside me who's smiling while looking ahead of the road. The traffic moved and so did we but I kept my silence. Not wanting to explore the subject more.

"Your wrist," she noted.

My eyes travelled to my collared wrist and I nodded absentmindedly. "Yeah. It's be-"

"It's none of my business, Jennie. It's okay. You don't have to explain it to me."

I breathed deep and smiled a little, "That doesn't happen too often."

"Really? Well, that sucks. People are just too nosy these days."

"You should know,"

She gave me a sideway glance before giving me a timid smile, "I know,"

I pursed my lips, feeling the guilt of what I said and after seeing her expression, it made me feel more bad.

She already said sorry but I still can't drop the issue? What the fuck, Jennie.

I sighed and closed my eyes. Before being consumed by the darkness, I heard a soft hums of melodies.

In that moment, I felt safe, sunny and warm.

Maybe the winter's really ending.

(I'm sorry if the updates are shit and all but this is my stress reliever from studying so if you don't like it, I understand. I just really need an outlet and I find peace in writing. If this isn't what you're looking for, there are lots of stories here in wattpad that's better than this. Thank you though❤)

Hiraeth | A JENLISA AU | On GoingWhere stories live. Discover now