Ms. Kim

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Friends are really like family. They are the ones who we can lean on in times of trouble, or the one who will get us out of trouble. They are like the family we didn't ask for but stuck through us more than our own blood.

I was never lucky with friends while I was growing up. Being the only child in a house full of deceit and lies, I was made to believe that I was better off alone. If my own family can lie to me and let me believe in fairytales, and hurt me in the end, friends are strangers who would do the same.

So I built my walls around me, let me be the beast they think of me- filled of hatred and trusts no one. And who would stick with a child from a dysfunctional family? An egoistic and bossy kid like Jennie Kim?

I thought no one would, until a young girl proved me otherwise. She made herself known as Turtle Rabbit Kim and she was fearless.

Turtle Rabbit was one of those who will protect the bullied from the bullies. Who will help the teachers for their errands. She became popular within a week or so, even with her being new, she conquered the hearts of everyone.

Except mine.

Everytime she tried to talk to me, I shut her off. Everytime she smiled at me, I rolled my eyes at her. When she's near, I'd pull her hair until she'd cry silently.

I abhorred her. She was perfect in every sense. She was smart, funny, her brown locks flowed like waterfalls and her skin was milky white. Everyone wanted to be friends with her, and she promised to herself that she'll be friends with the girl who had none.

Turtle Rabbit would bring me gifts, candies and drawings of animals with a cat. She explained that I looked like a cat and that made me mad.

"If she thinks I am a cat then I'll show her one." That's what I thought so I clipped my nails into triangular shapes and when she approached me again, I scratched her.

The smile she was wearing dropped like a bomb from her face and she stood there, motionless. She smiled a little then her eyes became teary. I should feel happy and triumphant even, that the girl I abhorred was now crying infront of me.

But I felt sad and pain coursed through me as I stare at her deep, sad eyes.

"I-I'm sorry," I croaked while reaching for her but before I could reach her, I was whisked away by everyone who loved her.

Turtle Rabbit Kim, without me knowing has already earned my trust when instead of being mad at me for hurting her, she protected me from everyone who scolded me.

Jisoo became my bestfriend. A friend I never wanted in the first place but became my family in the end. My only family.

She knows me like the back of her hand, and so when I was about to open my mouth to argue or convince her that I do not, she held up her hand and dismissively waved it at me.

"Jennie," she sighed. "You peeked and you like Lisa. You don't have to deny it to me."

I raked my hair with my hand and looked away.

"It doesn't matter," I said, my voice was barely a whisper. My heart started pounding against my chest and I pursed my lips just to stop myself from crying.

She raised her brows, "Why wouldn't it?"

I stared at the now dark sky and imagined myself back at the lake, where we both would gaze at the sky and wish upon the falling stars.

"Because, it's just the way it is."

"What do you mean?"

I looked at her and offered her my wrist. She was dumbfounded at my gesture until I tugged the black ribbon away from my hand.

Hiraeth | A JENLISA AU | On GoingWhere stories live. Discover now