Know Everything

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"Yes?" I looked up from the documents I was reviewing and saw that Jisoo entered the room and her left brow was raised.

"Yes?" I asked again as she slowly walked towards me, her eyes curious.

I sighed when she didn't answer so I returned to reviewing the papers. "If you have nothing to say Jisoo, I suggest to leave me alone."

I felt her presence beside me. When I looked up, she was eyeing the scattered papers infront of me.

"Are you busy?"

"I am."

"Because of those?"

I put the pen down and stared at her. "Yes. Problem?"

She rolled her eyes and picked up one document. "Stop lying to me, Jennie. These are all past projects and reports. You've reviewed them a lot of times already."

I snatched the document from her. "So? I am meticulous when it comes to my work and profession."

She snorted and dragged me outside my room, while I struggled in her arms. "Meticulous my ass," she whispered.

"Where are you taking me?"

"Top deck. I need coffee and I ordered one for you too."

I sighed and stopped struggling. "Okay. Let me go."

She willingly complied and we both walked silently towards the highest part of the building. I grabbed the black ribbon and stealthily wrapped them around my wrist when she wasn't looking. And thank gods she was walking faster than me or else she would've caught me.

The top deck is the place where we hang out when we want to be alone and talk. To chill and gather our thoughts.

To breathe when it's all too much.

I tried to stop asking myself on why would she want coffee on the deck when we could have it in my office but I think I already know the answer.

When we reached the place, I hugged myself tighter when the cold wind blew softly. We both got seated but we both kept our mouth shut.

After a few minutes, Jisoo's secretary handed her two coffee and she smiled upon seeing me. I nodded my head to her and my bestfriend dismissed her with a wave of her hand.

I sipped the bitter coffee and it burnt my tongue. I closed my eyes for a moment, waiting for the pain to subside when I heard Jisoo speak.

"Tell me, Jennie. What's going on?"

"Nothing. Everything's fine. Why?" I peeked at her and she was staring at me, her eyes and facial expression serious.

Then her eyes softened as she held my hand. "Seriously, I'm here, okay? We've been together for a long time so know that I'm with you. What's up?"

I sighed and opened my eyes. I stood up and watched as the sky turn pink then orange, as the sun was setting on the horizon.

I felt Jisoo's presence beside me and I looked at her briefly. "Jisoo?"


"How did it feel like?"

Her gaze was steady on me, trying to decipher what I meant. I looked at her again and with a small smile, I asked, "Your 00's, how did it feel?"

Her eyes widened in surprise and I saw her hand grip the hand rail tightly.

"W-what do you mean?" She stuttered while trying to hide her left wrist from me.

Hiraeth | A JENLISA AU | On GoingWhere stories live. Discover now