Telling The Boys

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is including telling Gabbie and Christina, I just didn't want to have such a long title.

"Hey, babe. Do you have all the stuff for tonight?" I asked Jonah as I walked into our room. "Yep. I have the envelopes with the scavenger hunt directions in them, and I hid everyone's presents in their spots for them to find. Don't worry, sweetheart, everything's going to go according to plan. Alright? They're all gonna be excited."

I nodded and giggled as Jonah stretched his arms out towards me from his spot on the bed and pouted his lips out at me like a little kid. "Cuddle and watch Netflix now? Please?" He stuck his bottom lip out even further. I laughed and climbed under the comforter next to him, laying my head against his arm as he pulled Netflix up and turned on Avengers: Infinity War for us to watch.

Time Skip After Dinner

After dinner, I leaned over and whispered to Jonah for him to get the envelopes from off our dresser. He came back and I got up and stood next to him. "So boys, who's up for a little game?" I asked, shrugging my shoulders slightly. They got really excited and agreed. I slipped my hand into Jonah's, intertwining our fingers, before I continued.

"Okay. So you're going to go on a scavenger hunt throughout the house. There's stuff all over the house and backyard to find. The twist is, that everyone's "prizes" are in different spots, so you can't use each other to cheat. Understand?" I asked as Jonah gave them their envelopes. "Also, we want Gabbie to do it too, so can Jonah and I hang with baby Lav down here while you do the scavenger hunt?"

I walked over to Gabbie, who was more than willing to hand Lavender over so she could play. I took the baby and walked back over next to Jonah, not really paying attention anymore because I was talking to Lavender. 

"Finally, the rules are: no pushing each other, no taking somebody else's box, and you can't open them until Abbi and I say so, alright?" Everybody agreed and Jonah sent them off. I walked over to the couch with Lavender, continuing to baby talk to her, and Jonah laughed before he came and sat next to me, gently wrapping his arm around my waist. "That's going to be Baby Frantzich you're baby talking to and messing around with in not too long." He whispered and kissed my temple.

"I know. It's crazy. Also, are you making fun of my baby talking? Lavender and I have very important things to talk about and conversations to have, don't we, Lav?" I finished in baby talk before kissing her cheek. 

He chuckled and kissed my temple again. "Do you want to go see your uncle Jonah, Lavender? Oh, yeah, I know you do, huh?" He gently grabbed Lavender from my arms and slowly shifted her into his own, very tenatively. "Jonah, you're ok, you've held Lavender countless times, plus babies and kids at meet and greets. There's nothing to be worried about."

He turned towards me and said, "yeah, but our baby is going to be smaller than Lavender is now, and what if I hurt them or something?" I laughed and cupped his face in my hands. "Jonah, you aren't going to hurt a baby by holding it. You're big but you're gentle. You wouldn't hurt anyone unless they try to hurt me or do something to me. That's why I call you my giant cuddly teddy bear. There's no need to worry about that, alright?" I kissed him and he calmed down as I grabbed my phone and took a picture of him holding Lavender.

Time Skip

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Time Skip

All four boys and Gabbie had found their boxes and were sitting on the couch. "Can we open them, now, please? We've been held in suspense for too long and we want to open them." Jack and Zach both whined. Jonah and I laughed before I dragged Gabbie into the kitchen since I had made her box a little different. "Okay, open it, Gabs." She opened the lid and saw the hand lettered card and multiple baby clothes for Lavender inside. 

The card read: "Now I know these are for Lavender, but there's a 50% chance that I'll need you to help me buy some before February of 2020

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The card read: "Now I know these are for Lavender, but there's a 50% chance that I'll need you to help me buy some before February of 2020. Flip this card over." She flipped the card to see the ultrasound picture I had taped on the back. She squealed. "ABBI! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!? REALLY?" I nodded. "How long have you known?" I counted in my head. "Well, I took the test on June 1st, and today is June 15th, so two weeks ago."

She hugged me before we heard Jonah yell, in what sounded like pain, and the other boys yell. Gabbie and I looked towards the living room and I grabbed her hand. We went out to the living room to see the four boys dog piled on top of Jonah. "Boys, I'd rather if you didn't kill him. Can I have my husband back now?" They all climbed off of Jonah and came and gave me a big group hug. "Dudes! We're really gonna be uncles again!" Corbyn cheered when they stopped hugging me.

Jonah came over to me and I hugged him, making him wince slightly. "They were so excited that they all four tackled me at the same time. I probably have a couple cracked ribs, or at least bruised. It'll be fine, though." I glared over at the boys and they all shrugged guiltily. He winced again as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and kissed my forehead. I went to the kitchen and grabbed him an ice pack, making him sit on the couch. "Now, boys, you're not allowed to post anything on social media, understand??" They nodded and sat cross legged on the floor.

I grabbed one of the ultrasound picture copies and told Corbyn to FaceTime Christina. She picked up on the second ring and Corbyn said his piece to her before handing his phone to me and Jonah sitting on the couch. "Hey! What is the big secret you're keeping from me, Abbi Frantzich? I didn't get the box you said you mailed yet. Also why does Jonah have an ice pack on the right side of his ribcage? Is he okay?" I laughed at Christina's rapid fire questions as I turned the camera to the boys sitting around the living room floor.

"First off, they're the reason Jonah has an ice pack. No surprise. Second, your box should be there Monday or Tuesday. Thirdly," I turned the camera back around towards Jonah. "I want to ask you what you think of this picture." Jonah pulled the ultrasound from behind his back. "HOLY CRAP! IS THAT FOR A VIDEO? IS THAT REAL?! ARE YOU PREGNANT?!?" Jonah and I laughed. "Yeah, it's real. I'm pregnant. Baby Frantzich due February 2020! You're gonna be an aunt! And the reason Jonah has an ice pack on his ribs is because the four nimrods were so excited that they tackled him."

She laughed. "Well, they are morons. Aww, I'm so happy for you, girl! Congrats! Jonah, you better treat Abbi and my niece or nephew right, bud. If not, I know where you live." He laughed and kissed my cheek. " Don't worry, Chickee. I will."

Time skip

The other boys had gone to bed and Jonah and I were watching Netflix in the living room. I shifted to where I was laying on top of Jonah, feeling his arms wrap around my waist. "Do you think we're having a boy or girl, babe?" I looked at him. "I don't know, Jo. We can't find out until October, but I'm guessing girl. What about you?" He kissed me before agreeing. "How about we go up to bed? You have a bunch planned for my birthday tomorrow."

I nodded and felt Jonah pick me up bridal style off the couch and carrying me upstairs. He put me on the bed and grabbed my MacBook. "Now, I believe Emily and Lorilai were in the middle of another fight, right?" I chuckled and nodded as he pulled up Gilmore girls and crawled next to me on the bed. 

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