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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Jonah and I have our own house now. We don't live in the Why Don't We house anymore.

I woke up at 4:30 in the morning on February 13th in Jonah's arms, craving Reese's cups. I grabbed my phone to check the time and groaned. I unwrapped Jonah's arms from around my waist and went down to the kitchen to find some Reese's peanut butter cups. I grabbed three packages, and wanted to watch Netflix, but didn't want Jonah to be awake at 4:45 in the morning, so I just watched in the living room.

I was halfway through my sixth episode of Once Upon A Time when I felt arms wrap around my shoulders. "Baby doll, why are you up? Come back to bed." A sleepy Jonah whined as he rested his chin on my head. "Just cravings, babe. I didn't want to wake you up. I'm sorry, go back to bed." He started rubbing my shoulders and kissed my cheek. "Not unless you come with me. Please? I know you can't sleep without me with you, and I can't sleep without you. Come on, please?" He begged, giving me puppy dog eyes. I sighed and complied, trudging back to bed with him.

Time Skip

I had been having Braxton Hicks all morning. It was now 3:40 in the afternoon. "Alright, princess. If you're gonna come today, can you please? Or if you're not, can you settle down? Please, baby. Cut mama some slack." I said rubbing my stomach. Jonah came and sat next to me and chuckled. "You're really trying to will her out, aren't ya?" He leaned down and kissed my stomach. I laughed before grabbing his hand as more Braxton Hicks came. He rubbed small circles on my hand with his thumb. They passed and we started cuddling on the couch, him singing "8 letters" softly.

Time Skip

It was now 10:45 in the morning on February 14th. Valentine's Day. Jonah and I were asleep when I got up to go to the bathroom. Nope, just kidding. My water had broke. "Jonah!" I yelled and gripped the counter as a contraction ripped through me. He came into the bathroom, rubbing his eyes sleepily. "Baby girl finally decided to make her appearance, huh?"

He chuckled as I shot him a death glare through the mirror. "Jonah Marais Roth Frantzich!" He knew he was in trouble if I used his full name, so he shut his mouth. "I'm in so much pain right now. I will smack you. Hospital. Now!" I growled at him. He nodded and scooped me up and carried me to his car. He reached over and grabbed my left hand as he drove to the hospital. "You're gonna regret grabbing my hand, babe." I said right before another contraction hit. I gripped his hand tighter than even I knew I could. I could feel him tense up and he winced, but he didn't pull away. He kissed my hand as we got to the hospital.

Time Skip

I had been in labor for eight hours before I could finally push. Jonah gave me his hand, not caring if I hurt him. I pushed for ten minutes before I heard crying. Our daughter was born. I looked up at Jonah, who was crying, before I leaned my head against his arm, because he hadn't let go of my hand, and I didn't want him to. They got her all cleaned up and laid her on my chest. "Hi, baby girl. You just had to make your grand appearance on Valentine's Day, huh? Your birthday wasn't already going to be special enough?"

I chuckled through tears as I kissed her forehead. She opened her eyes and it was like I was looking at Jonah. They were EXACTLY the same shade. After I had held her for about 15 minutes, I told Jonah to come sit next to me on the bed. He sat next to me and I turned and handed him his daughter for the first time.

"Hi, princess. Daddy's happy to finally meet you. You definitely took your sweet time, but it was worth it. I love you so much, sweetheart." He kissed her hand before kissing me. "I love you too, precious. I'm so proud of you. Thank you for our angel." I cuddled into his side, running my fingers over our daughter's arm, and we just admired her for about two hours, before I fell asleep against Jonah's arm and our baby was asleep on his chest. It was 7:34 when she was born, and 9:30 when she and I fell asleep. I'm not sure Jonah ever did.

(Play Song Here)

I woke up at 1 am to the absence of Jonah's body next to mine. I rubbed my eyes and saw him standing up holding the baby and singing "For My Daughter" by Kane Brown to her softly. I smiled before I went over to him. "How is she?"

(Author's Note. I know Jonah's dad wasn't like the song says. But I love this song, and it seemed fitting to end this chapter with.)

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