(2) Hope

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Sasuke remembered the day he wore this for Sakura...
The days he proclaimed his love for her, the days the two were actually happy. A part of him felt guilty for causing the reason for their fall, but a part of him felt relieved. Fresh. New. Sasuke grabbed his keys and exited the house. When he left, a brunette seemed to be smoking a cigarette at the house next to him. As familiar name came up...



"WHAT KIBA!" Naruto hollered, and turned his phone on speaker. Quickly, Naruto rushed through his closet desperately trying to find something. Cringing at the number of dresses he had, he found the perfect outfit. The Uzumaki boy's outfit consisted of a red and black plaid shirt, a 'Metalica' tee, high waisted light jeans, and a pair of white vans. Frowning, he decided to add accessories.
"Man, you're seriously ditching me for that fucking Uchiha aren't you?" Kiba groaned. Naruto smiled at his name but began looking for add-ons.
"He's not so bad y' know!" Naruto responded, and finally got on his black choker with a sun on it, a chain, and a small star on his chek.
"He's an Uchiha, of course, he's bad"
"Oh shut it, it's not like we're dating"
"Ah, you're hopeless Uzumaki, you know that?"


"Love you too, dumbass"

"Love ya!" Naruto smirked, and hung up the phone. Running to the bathroom, he quickly applied a lip glosser and checked his image. He looked perfect. Or atleast he thought so. Sighing, Naruto plopped on the couch and waited for Sasuke's unplanned arrival.


Sasuke turned the knob on the Uzumaki's door, which surprisingly opened. Smirking, Sasuke slowly crept upstairs to find the back of Naruto's head facing him. Tiptoeing, Sasuke wrapped his arms around Naruto's neck.
"Gah what the hell Sasu-" Naruto murmured, as a pair of lips touched his. Sasuke picked Naruto up from off the couch and slammed him on the bed. His lips began to explore further, as they were now licking Naruto's exposed neck.
"Sasuke s-stop..." Naruto moaned, and looked down at a snarling Sasuke.
"Aww, you don't like it?" Sasuke pouted, which only made Naruto angrier. Growling, Naruto pushed Sasuke off of him.
"I should've known you tricked me just so you could try to.. to just forget it" Naruto bit his lip while turning around to enter the bathroom. Without thinking, Sasuke pulled Naruto back into his arms.
"No, I just need to clarify some things with my Uzumaki, that okay with you?" Sasuke whispered into the blonde's ear and bit at it playfully. Moaning, Naruto held his hand out signaling Sasuke to stop.
"Why the hell do you keep playing with my feelings?" Naruto muttered but stayed still in Sasuke's arm. A part of Sasuke felt guilty and confused. His emotions were overpowering what they were really meant to do. Call this whole affair off, but now all Sasuke wanted was to keep Naruto in his arms for as long as he possibly could.
"If you just wanna f*ck go find someone else," Naruto growled and pushed Sasuke off of him. Snarling, Sasuke shook his head.
"What if I wanted you?"
"I want you"
"Still bullshit"
"Naruto idiot Uzumaki, I think I'm falling for you" Sasuke bit his lip, and turned his head. Glowering at the name, Naruto slapped him. Naruto's feelings had been toyed with for so long he didn't really know if the love was actually genuine. Sighing, Naruto tried erasing the thought from his mind. The Uchiha was clearly toying with him.
"S-s-stop lying to me all the damn time.." Naruto growled.
"What do I have to do to make you believe me?" Sasuke sighed and pulled the Uzumaki back in his arms. Sasuke held Naruto's hands up as Naruto looked into Sasuke's shimmering eyes. Something so wrong, it felt so fucking right.


Stay tuned for Chapter 3!

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